Chapter 9

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The night of Kyle's party, I was getting ready when Roc rang the doorbell. I ran to the door and opened it. My face broke out into a grin when I saw him. He stepped through my door wordlessly as he stared at me.

Me- What Roc?

Roc- I-I'm just caught off guard. You look good as hell. And I'm a little insulted.

I laughed.

Me- And why is that Roc?

Roc- You never looked like this to spend time with me.

I shrugged.

Me- You're not Kyle. Besides, I'm not even fully ready.

He scoffed.

Roc- Of course. I love how you treat this guy as if he's a God or something.

Me- Green isn't a good color for you baby.

I blew him a kiss and went into the bathroom to finish my hair. After I finished my hair and finished getting dressed, I put my heels on and we went out to Roc's car. I noticed how he stared at me while I got into the car. I buckled my seat belt and turned to him.

Me- Hey, Roc. You got a little something here, near your mouth.

He reached to wipe the side of his mouth.

Roc- What is it?

Me- Looks like.. Drool.

He stared at me coldly while I grinned at him.

Me- Might want to handle that. You look cute by the way.

He shook his head and started the car.

Roc-Why do I put up with you?

I shrugged.

Me- Because you love me.

3 hours later:

*Roc's POV*

The party was litt as fuck and I could tell Niccolette was having the best time. We spent almost an hour chilling with Kyle and I could see why Niccolette liked him so much, he was a cool person and down to earth as hell. Me and Niccolette danced most of the time or we sat and had a few drinks. Niccolette had a couple more drinks than me, probably because of her excitement. The alcohol started becoming evident in her while she tugged on my sleeve like a child and begged me to dance with her again. I sighed and got up with her. Niccolette's face broke into a huge smile.

Niccolette- I love this song.

Me- You've said that about almost all of the songs they've played.

But she ignored me as she started to dance on me. It wasn't the first time we danced together that night but it was the first time she had grinded on me like she was. She stared me deep in my eyes as I felt her body on mine. Before, I thought Niccolette was a good dancer but the alcohol in her system unlocked a whole different level of dancing she was withholding and I was amazed. I stood motionless while she moved her body like a snake to the music. I felt stares on me but I couldn't take my eyes off of Niccolette. Guys and girls had been staring at us the whole night and I didn't blame them. Niccolette looked gorgeous in a fitted dress that showed her body and curves. I knew a lot of the girls there would happily sell their souls for a body like hers. And a lot of the guys probably envied me because the woman straight out of their dreams was dancing on me. Niccolette interrupted my thoughts when she stood up and turned to face me and nuzzled her face into my neck. I felt her hands run up and down my stomach and her mouth kissed my neck softly.

Me- Woah, woah. Niccolette.

I softly removed her body from mine and laughed.

Me- Yeah, that's my que to take you home sweetheart.

She didn't look like she could comprehend my words so I grabbed her arm and started to walk her out. We didn't make it two steps when she stopped and nearly hit the ground. I grabbed her hand firmly to keep her from falling.

Me- Niccolette. What's wrong?

Niccolette- My feet.. They hurt.

I rolled my eyes. Of course now that we were leaving, her feet would start hurting. She owed me her first born child after this.

Me- Fine. Hop on my back.

It took a couple of minutes but I had been able to get her securely on my back. After saying goodbye to Kyle, I walked her out to my car. I was able to get her in her seatbelt and was starting the car when she looked at me and smiled.

Niccolette- Thank you Roc. You're so nice to me.

She reached over and started softly scratching my head.

Niccolette- I love you Best.

Me- I love you too.

I hesitated before adding the last part.

Me- Best friend.

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now