Chapter 6

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1 month later:

 After what happened with Jay, I decided to stay lowkey. I wasn't really in the mood for anyone and I made that evident when I deactivated my social media and posted on Snap that I didn't want to be bothered with anyone. I didn't speak to anyone, even when Jay had texted me off of his friends' phone. I barely talked to Roc and I could tell he noticed my absence. But honestly, after I stopped talking to Jay, I couldn't get Roc out of my mind. I constantly tried to downplay the reasons I thought about him but I knew deep down that I had feelings for him. I didn't allow myself to really think about him since I was with Jay but my feelings for him was always there. He had text me one morning asking me to have brunch with him and as I began to text back telling him no, I thought of how much I had missed him. And now that I was single, I didn't have to think about what anyone else would think or overthink about what I say and do. I could chill with him way more comfortably, so I decided to say yes and started to get ready. 

 When I got to the diner Roc wanted to meet at, I instantly grinned when I saw him sitting at the table waiting for me. He really was adorable. I walked over and smiled at him. 

Me- Hey. 

 He looked up from his menu in surprise and got up to hug me. 

Roc- Hey, it great to see you. I feel like it's been forever. 

Me- Yeah, sorry about that.  

 He sat down and studied my face. 

Roc- Are you okay? You really dropped off the face of the Earth. 

 I studied the menu to avoid looking directly in his eyes. 

Me- Yeah, I just needed some time to get myself together. 

I felt him still staring at me.

Roc- For a whole month Niccolette? Come on, put me on, what happened? 

This was the first time I said this out loud and to the person I was kind of feeling. I finally looked up at him and met his stare. 

Me- I broke up with Jay. 

Roc- What did he do?

Me- How do you know he did something? 

Roc- It's obvious. I know the kind of person he is. 

 I was caught off-guard. 

Roc- So, let me guess, he cheated?

 I looked down and nodded. Roc stood up and walked over to me and pulled me out of my chair, into a huge hug. 

Roc- It'll be okay. 

Despite my heartache, I enjoyed the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms. That's when I decided to make my move. I pulled my face back and moved in to kiss Roc when I suddenly noticed the dark red hickey on his neck. As soon as I saw it I felt like a fool. What was I thinking about to kiss Roc, my only friend right now and a celebrity at that. I broke the hug and gave him a fake smile. 

Me- Thanks Roc. So much. 

I quickly sat down and looked down at my menu. Leaving him standing there looking confused.

Roc- You're welcome. Just know I'm always here for you.

I nodded. 

Me- Thanks. I think I'm going to try the banana french toast.

Roc nodded. 

Roc- Yeah, that's good. 

I tried to ignore it but every time I looked at him I saw the hickey and when I looked away, it flashed through my mind. I wasn't his girlfriend and he was single so why were my feelings hurt so badly?

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now