Chapter 12

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When Roc said he would be who I wanted he meant it. Whenever I needed him, he was always there for me. It felt like we were kind of already in a relationship. His behavior wasn't different than it was before he told me how he felt but I noticed things I never really paid attention to before. Like the way he stared at me daydreaming and smiling to himself and how he always made sure I was happy. We were on Roc's couch in the middle of our binge watching Family Guy and I had my head rested in his lap while he gently ran his hands through my hair when he suddenly stopped. He leaned into my ear.

Roc- I'm going to get in the shower Niccolette.

I nodded and got off of him.

After an hour and a half, I was getting lonely and Roc still hadn't come back downstairs so I decided to check on him. I knew he said he was only taking a shower but I could never be sure about Roc and what he was getting into. I heard the shower running and decided to wait for him in his room. When I opened the door to his room, he was inside readjusting his towel around his waist in front of the mirror giving me a quick view of his Roczilla, but not quick enough. Roc jumped and spun around while I stood frozen and shocked.

Me- I'm, I'm so sorry.

Even though his towel was closed, I could still see it in my mind. Roc just shook his head.

Roc- Niccolette, what are you doing?

I couldn't look Roc in the eyes.

Me- I-I thought you were still in the shower. I'm sorry.

Roc laughed.

Roc- It's all good. Come in.

I shook my head and started to close the door.

Me- No, I'll just-

As I closed the door Roc grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room and closed the door behind me. He pulled me against his body even though his body was still wet. Before I knew what was happening, Roc lifted my face to his and kissed my lips softly. I was sure I melted right there in his arms. As his lips were on mine I couldn't deny it anymore. I was into Roc. As a friend and so much more. I kissed him back as I ran my hands through his damp curls, then I clasped the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me. Then Roc's lips traveled to my jaw down to my neck as he kissed, licked and softly sucked on my neck. I smiled to myself between moans.

Roc- You're so beautiful.

Roc's words were muffled against my neck. I felt his hands at the bottom of my shirt getting ready to pull it off when there was a knock on the door.

Ray- Yo, are ya still watching the TV downstairs or can I change it?

Roc and I pulled away from each other, out of breath.

Roc- Yeah. Leave it. We're not done. 

Even though he was talking to Ray, he kept his eyes glued to mine. Roc smirked down at me. 

Roc- God, I want you so badly.

He went to his drawer and pulled out a pair of shorts. I watched as he silently put his underwear and shorts on underneath his towel and took his towel off. He walked back over to me and pulled me close again. 

Roc- As much as I want to fuck your brains out right now, I'm going to wait, okay baby. 

I nodded and smiled at him.

Me- Okay.

He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

Roc- Come watch TV with me Mami.

Roc took my hand and led me downstairs. We sat on the couch as if nothing had happened.

Ms. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now