Are we saved?

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The seven boys walked through the dark forest, hungry, thirsty and tired. They couldn't even see the sky as the trees blocked their view. As the kept walking Jimin started sniffing the air like a dog. 

"Stop with your sniffing, you're not some dog with detective skills to be able to find us food or a house" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

 "No, can't you smell that?" Jimin stopped.

 "Oh yeah what's that?" Jin also started sniffing. 

"It smells like smoke..." Jungkook started looking around. 


"That does not seem like a forest fire, I smell marshmallows to... a burning one-" Namjoon realised what it was. 

"Look it's a campsite!" Hobi shouted pointing to visible smoke ahead. The boys ran over.

They pushed through some bushes and saw a a lit campfire next to four tents with a marshmallow on a stick laying next to the campfire completely burned.

 "Who left this campsite alone here?" Namjoon tried covering his mouth from the burnt marshmallow smell. Suddenly Tae was pinned to the ground with a gun to his head by a masked man in a black hoodie. 

"IT'S Y/N RUN!" Jin tried running away but Yoongi grabbed his shirt. 

"That's not Y/N, that's clearly a dude" Yoongi was surprised. 

"Hey leave Tae alone!" Jungkook yelled at the guy. 

"Who are you?!" The guys then points his gun at Jungkook still holding down Tae who was struggling to get out of his grip. 

"Don't touch any of them!" Tae grunted trying to push him off. 

"I swear we won't do anything, just leave him alone!" Jungkook pleaded. 

"Leave him alone!" Namjoon stepped forward trying to not be afraid. The guy put the gun down and let Tae go. Tae walked back to Jungkook. 

"Sorry..." The guy apologised. 

"YOU SHOULD BE" Jin tried looking brave as he stared into the guy's eyes. But instantly hid behind Yoongi when he met the Guy's dark gaze. 

"Can I get your names?" The guy asked. 

"Why would we tell you?" Yoongi eyed him up and down. The guy lifted the gun.

 "Jungkook". "Taehyung" . "Jin". "Jimin" . "Namjoon". "Yoongi". "Hobi." They all hesitantly introduced themselves. 

"Wait I know you guys-" The guy said.

"You're those rich kids who's parents are successful business owners" The guy recognized them. 

"Yeah" Namjoon answered. 

"Wait where's Y/N? The girl" The guy asked. 

"And what are you all doing out here at this late at night". 

"Y/N is..." Hobi tried getting the words out. 

"It's a long story" Jimin put his hand on Hobi's shoulder. 

"Well I want to hear it. Take a seat" The guy pointed to to some logs. The boys sat down but were confused why he was so interested in Y/N. 

"Well..." Yoongi explained everything that happened since that sleepover. The guy looked down. The guy sighed before speaking. 

"I've always known Y/N was the murderer..." The boys looked at him. 

"How? Who are you?" Tae was shook. 

"My names Eunwoo Cha. I've known Y/N for a while now." He removed his hoodie and mask revealing his handsome soft face.

"Tell us, how do you know Y/N? How did you know she was the murderer?" Jungkook asked

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"Tell us, how do you know Y/N? How did you know she was the murderer?" Jungkook asked.

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now