Secret Agent

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"We need should first go and get your phones charged. We don't know what going to happen next" Eunwoo explained heading towards the coffee shop they worked at. 

"Coffee shop?" Jimin asked. 

"Don't you guys work here? I use to come here and there are free charging ports" Eunwoo parked. 

"Oh yeah right" Jimin chuckled as the others rolled their eyes. They walked in and there were just enough charging ports. Namjoon walked into the back and grabbed the extra charging wires they kept in their lockers. They all plugged in and waited for them to charge. 

"This'll take at least two hours, we shouldn't wait any longer" Jungkook pulled himself onto the counter where his phone was charging. 

"Yeah we shouldn't so I'm taking all of you except Tae, Jungkook and Yoongi to go and get any identification of that guy" Eunwoo was about to leave when Yoongi interrupted.

 "Wait, how are you suppose to identify some random guy seen in the woods? His face was covered." He asked. 

"I saw a green wristband on him and a small glimpse of a tattoo on his left hand. Those belong to a group of Agents, we've worked with them before." Eunwoo continued walking out as the other four followed. 

"Where would they have their secret base or whatever" Jin asked. 

"I don't know if they have multiple work places but the one I do know is not far from the Sky Tower." Eunwoo looked out his side window. 

They arrived at a small tunnel carved from a old looking apartment. They walk in and a man in a suit walks up to them shaking Eunwoo's hand and the four noticed a green wristband on him. Compared to the outside, everything looked so futuristic and neon inside. All they could hear was their footsteps and the clicking of keyboards besides their voices. 

"It's so nice to see you again Mr. Cha" The man in the suit smiled. 

"Please Mr. Seo, just call me Eunwoo" Eunwoo smiled back. 

"What brings you here today?" Mr. Seo asked. 

"Obviously you must know the murders going on" Eunwoo started as Mr. Seo nodded. 

"From some camera checks, we have seen an agent of yours kidnap a girl who has great value to us" Eunwoo explained. 

"Kidnap? May I know where exactly?" Mr. Seo  was confused. 

"Forest, near the main road" Eunwoo replied.

 "No sorry, I don't remember sending anyone to kidnap a girl in the forest." Mr. Seo shook his head.

 "Are you sure? He was wearing the same wristband and a tattoo on his left arm." Eunwoo tried describing the guy they saw. 

"Tattoo? The only person I know who had a tattoo was Agent Senar. But he was fired after trashing the entire place and threatening to kill everyone, it's like he went crazy, he was an animal" Mr. Seo explained.

 "Agent Senar? What is his first name?" Eunwoo asked. 

"Brian Senar" Mr. Seo replied. 

"Do you know where he may be living right now" Eunwoo asked. 

"Not sure to be exact, but some of his co-workers have said he lives near the Mimiko CEO's house, he used to work for them as a driver before coming here about two years ago." Mr. Seo scratched his head. 

"One last thing, do you have a photo of him?" Eunwoo asked. 

"Yes we do follow me" Mr. Seo walked down the hall into a small room with frosted glass door and walls.

 "Here" Mr. Seo pulled out a small photo showing the same blonde hair they saw in the camera. He had a cheerful smile revealing a pair of dimples. Eunwoo gently took from Mr. Seo still observing the photo. 

"Thank you" Eunwoo nodded as the five of them walked out back to the car. 

"We got the photo, let's go back to the coffee shop." Eunwoo buckled in and the others did the same. 

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now