Brian Senar

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They arrived at the coffee shop and walked back into the store, no one was inside besides some barista's. The three were sound asleep. Jungkook and Tae sat on chairs with Jungkook's head against Tae's shoulder and Yoongi fell asleep on the counter leaning his head on the wall next to him. Eunwoo sat down on a chair and let out a sigh. The others tried shaking the members awake. Tae and Jungkook woke up but Yoongi took some time. 

"YOONGI!" Jimin yelled but still he didn't wake up. Jimin hugged him and Yoongi immediately woke up. 

"YAH! Get off me!" Yoongi shook Jimin off. 

"So did you guys find anything?" Tae yawned. 

"This is our guy" Eunwoo flipped the photo. 

"He took Y/N?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Yes, we are going to find him in the next three hours and take back Y/N" Eunwoo put the photo into his jacket pocket.

 "How can you be so sure in three hours?" Hobi asked. 

"Trust me, when I say a time limit, I mean a time limit." Eunwoo winked as he got up to the car. 

"Not the car again" Jin whined. 

They drove to Y/N's house and parked opposite to it. 

"Let's check here" Eunwoo closed the car door behind him. Their loud footsteps echoed through the quiet streets. 

"Bobby pin again" Eunwoo made way for Tae. The door screeched open revealing darkness. The windows were the only things that were bringing light but those didn't help either. 

"Slowly" Eunwoo whispered. They crept around the house but it was dead silent. 

"I don't think anyone is here." Jin whispered. The boys looked around for a while before deciding to leave. They slowly drove through the neighbourhood trying to find a house which Brian Senar could possibly be in. They were about to give up when one specific house caught their eye. It was old one story house which was put on sale. 

"That's it" Eunwoo parked and got out of the car.

 "Hopefully Y/N is here. But why would he even want to take Y/N if there's no reward in bringing the murderer to the police?" Namjoon asked. 

"I don't know, but let's find out-" Eunwoo was interrupted by a phone ding. It was Hobi's. he pulled his phone out and a text message was received. 

"It's from Namjoon?" Hobi was puzzled but started opening the text. Everyone surrounded Hobi as he opened the chat. 

"Location found" Was what the text read. 

"What?" Jin furrowed his eyebrows. 

Suddenly a green smoke filled the air, before they could realise what is was they all blacked out. 

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now