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After a long tiring ride, Eunwoo stopped at a large house which looked like a grand mansion. It had three stories with a pool at the front. 

"Where are we?" Jimin asked getting out of the car

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"Where are we?" Jimin asked getting out of the car. 

"This is my house" Eunwoo smiled gesturing the others to follow him. He knocked on the large modern door. They waited for a few seconds before a sweet looking old yet young looking woman opened the door. She covered her mouth looking at the view in front of her and burst into tears. 

"Eunwoo?" She immediately hugged him. Eunwoo didn't say anything and just pulled the woman close, even tearing a little. The others were confused but the sight for some reason melted their hearts. 

"Honey honey! Come here!" The woman called out breaking the hug. An old man, no older than the woman came with glasses and also hugged Eunwoo. 

"Oh my beautiful son, It's been months, I'm so glad you're okay!" The old man's voice croaked. 

"Son?" Jungkook whispered. 

"Who are these handsome gentlemen?" The woman asked as the old man broke the hug. 

"They are... My friends" Eunwoo smiled. 

"They've helped me a lot" He sniffed. 

"Come in come in" The old couple move aside letting all the boys in. 

Eunwoo gestured the boys to sit on the couch as he sat in a single arm chair. Eunwoo's father sat opposite to him and his mother went to the kitchen. 

"How are you all?" Eunwoo's father asked.

 "Good thank you" they all smiled trying not to seem uncomfortable.

 "Make yourself at home, don't feel shy" Eunwoo's mother came with a tray of drinks. The boys felt a bit relaxed hearing that and thanked Eunwoo's mother. 

"How's the company?" Eunwoo asked. 

"It's good it's good, but we didn't go back to the states, we wanted to wait for you, we were very worried" Eunwoo's father replied. 

"How's the search going? Me and your father would check the news everyday" Eunwoo's mother glanced at her husband. 

"Well like I said, my friends were a great help, but there is still a lot to find out" Eunwoo sighed. 

"Well I wish you all good luck" Eunwoo's mother smiled. 

"Thank you" Eunwoo stood up and the boys did too. 

"You're leaving already?" Eunwoo's mother stood up too looking at Eunwoo. 

"Sorry mum, we can't just stop now." Eunwoo went to her and held her hands. 

"It's ok, just be safe ok" Eunwoo's mother tried hiding her tears but it was very obvious.

 "Don't worry I will." Eunwoo walked to a key holder on the wall and picked up one. 

"Let's go guys."  Eunwoo walked into a huge garage and clicked the keys. The lights on a van flashed twice.

"We should take a different van" Eunwoo opened the driver seat and got in

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"We should take a different van" Eunwoo opened the driver seat and got in. The boys except Namjoon who got into the passenger seat, got into the back. It was very big and luxury. 

"Everyone ready?" Eunwoo turned back

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"Everyone ready?" Eunwoo turned back. 

"Yes!" The others yelled as they drove off with Eunwoo's parents waving goodbye.

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now