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"I am an Expelled police officer, I remember seeing you guys one day talking to Officer Myers when I was coming to request for my position back. I saw you getting angry at him, he's always been a rotten apple. I met Y/N though my parents, they were CEO's just like Y/N's parents, but they had their business overseas and I stayed in Korea to pursue my police career. They were close but me and Y/N weren't as much, it would take forever just to say 'Hi' to each other. She was a quiet one but I still thought she was a nice girl. I saw her arguing with her parents as they were leaving one time at a restaurants and her mother slapped her. She stormed off in front of them. The next weekend I thought of inviting her for a friendly dinner together, just so it wouldn't be awkward every time we met.

 The next weekend I thought of inviting her for a friendly dinner together, just so it wouldn't be awkward every time we met

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 She agreed to come and was very kind when she arrived. It was at my house  and we were alone that day. As we ate I asked her about what I saw she seemed to get upset. But I didn't want to make her sad now so I kept quiet. She told me her parents hated her and she Hates them to, I asked her why and she said that they've never have her attention growing up and only made up their absence with gifts she didn't even like, she wished on many birthdays for the next year her parents would be by her side, but eventually she gave up trying. I told her they might just be busy and told her she's overreacting also because I've lived away from my parents since I was just six. She surprisingly got so defensive and even grabbed a knife and was about to stab me. But I could see she realised what she was doing and held back. She dropped the knife and ran out the house... I didn't see her for a while, I thought of going and apologising before she hated me forever. I went over and knock but no one answered. I knocked three times before the door creaked open by itself. I walked it looking around. I was about to leave when I saw a puddle of blood on the kitchen floor... And a trail of blood.

 I followed it to the backyard where Y/N was throwing her parents and sibling into the pool. I left before she could see me. I thought of stopping her then and there but I was in shock I couldn't do anything. I decided to try forget about it no matter how big of a deal it was. Everyone would eventually find out after the CEO doesn't return to work.  But when I found out Y/N wasn't even on the suspect list after the murder was discovered, I immediately went to Officer Clinton our Chief commissioner for an explanation. He just yelled at me that he knows what he's doing and made me leave the room. I thought of investigating this by myself. I went secretly at night to Y/N's house and tried to find fingerprints anywhere in the house that could mean she murdered them. I couldn't find anything. She must of used gloves or was very careful. I thought of going back to the commissioner to tell him what I saw. He was the one to call me in. When I went in he already seemed angry at me. He told me I was seen by another officer at Y/N's house investigating when I wasn't assigned the case. I told him what I saw that day and he just got angrier. He expelled me on the spot for investigating a case I was not suppose to and for accusing the daughter of the Mimiko incorporates CEO and with no evidence to prove it. I left that day not even what to do next". "How'd you end up here?" Hobi asked. "I told some of my friends who work in the department with me and they believed me. They told me they'd help to show everyone it was Y/N. At this point murders were happening and we all knew it was Y/N. Most of them were found in this forest so we thought to set up camp here. There was six of us. We were able to stay here for a week before two then two then one were found dead... I knew I had to put Y/N behind bars before any others could die but she was too slick.

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now