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Eunwoo came out of his tent stretching his neck. He checked his watch to see that the time was 9:13am. 

"Guys wake up!" He yelled as the boys came out of their tents groaning. Let's eat some food before leaving. They all sat down, yawning and stretching. After eating they got up and made sure they had their phones one them. 

"Where's my phone?" Namjoon asked. 

"I don't know, you should have it" Jin placed his phone in his back pocket. 

"Damn it, I can't even call, our phones are dead" Namjoon sighed. 

"I swear I had it" He felt his pockets. 

"Maybe you dropped it" Tae scratched his nape looking around. 

"Not in the tents" Hobi walked out of his tent. 

"I'll buy you a new one when we get home. For now we gotta go" Jungkook walked towards Eunwoo who was putting a backpack on one arm. 

"Let's go" Eunwoo started walking.

 "We're just going to leave the tents like that?" Jimin asked. "No one else has the courage to enter the forest, especially after the murders" Eunwoo explained.

They walked for a while before the boys got bored. 

"How much longer?" Jimin held his back like a pregnant woman. 

"You're the ones that ran all the way to my camp, you should know how far it is." Eunwoo kept a eye out. 

"We could see that haunted mansion from the main road" Hobi said. 

"Then we shouldn't be far. I saw that mansion but didn't dare enter it, the doors looked boarded up with wood anyway." Eunwoo explained. Suddenly Eunwoo stopped making each boy behind bump into the first one.

 "Oof, ow!" Jimin rubbed his forehead. 

"Why did you stop?" Namjoon asked. 

"Looks like we're here" Eunwoo looked ahead to see the same mansion still shoving smoke up from the chimney. The other boys looked at the tall mansion in fear. All those bad memories flood back. They walked up to the front door. Still closed up with wood planks. 

"We have to look for a axe or something" Eunwoo walked off, looking around the trees

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"We have to look for a axe or something" Eunwoo walked off, looking around the trees. All of the boys were looking nearby but couldn't find anything.

 "Wait guys! Look!" Jungkook picked up a dirty hammer which was laying half buried in the ground. 

"Great, use it" Yoongi walked to the door. 

"What a coincidence" Hobi sighed. 

"It doesn't even look that old- seems recently made, wait hand it here." Namjoon asked putting out his hand. Jungkook handed him it. 

"It says 'Partypartyyeah' On the side. Isn't it that new brand that's gone famous recently" Namjoon looked up asking everyone. 

"Yeah it is, it's also a pretty new brand" Tae stated. 

"Why would this kind of hammer be here..?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows looking down at the hammer.

 "I don't know, but it's our only option to open the door so yeah" Eunwoo took the hammer and walked to the door. The nails holding the planks in were too deep to use the picker part of the hammer. Eunwoo started slamming the door. First few hits didn't do anything but a few dents. Eunwoo tried one last big hit, literally breaking the wood into flying pieces. Luckily no one got splinters. After the wood chunks fell to the floor, Everything went silent.

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now