Back To The City

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They boys walked to the car. Tae pointed to the tire that needed repair as Eunwoo bent down and inspected it. 

"Do you guys have any glue?" Eunwoo looked up at the others. 

"No why would we bring glue? Is that how you fix a tire?" Jimin answered. 

"Wait we actually do" Jungkook ran to the back of the car and tried opening the trunk. 

"Keys Jungkook. Keys" Jin shook his head.

 "I don't need keys" Jungkook grunted as he tried pulling the trunk open, but eventually gave up panting. 

"Calm down Kookie, here" Tae gently pushed Jungkook aside as he pulled out Y/N's bobby pin. 

"And why do you have that still?" Jimin lifted one eyebrow. 

"I don't know, probably subconsciously put it in." Tae shrugged inserting the bobby pin into the key hole and started moving it around. He was about to give up when it suddenly opened. 

"Always works" Tae smirked as he put the pin back into his pocket.

Jungkook dug through the random stuff they brought and eventually found some super glue. 

"Since when did we have glue with us?" Yoongi asked. 

"I like art, I keep art supplies in her trunk" Jungkook smiled proudly. 

"Ok now hand it over, also try look for some rough object." Eunwoo stretched his hand out. Jungkook looked through his art supply box again pulling out a long strip of  sand paper. 

"Sand paper?" Jungkook showed Eunwoo. 

"Yes perfect come here" Eunwoo was slowly applying super glue on the scratched tire. It dried very quick and Eunwoo took the sand paper from Jungkook and slowly started sanding the extra glue off. 

"Perfect all done" Eunwoo stood up. 

"Isn't it dangerous to drive with sanded tires?" Namjoon asked. 

"Yes but this should be ok because it's super glued and I didn't sand it all the way down" Eunwoo explained turning to Tae. 

"Open the doors please".

"Sure thing" Tae grabbed the bobby pin again and started opening all the doors. 

"Get in everyone!" Tae got in to the middle row of seats next to Jungkook and Namjoon. 

"Let's get going"  Eunwoo pressed the button to start the car and rode off. Surprisingly everything was going well and the car was just fine. Although the fuel was pretty low, it would be enough to get to the city. Everyone in the car was back to upset mode, they were worried about Y/N and was wondering who this mysterious person was, someone who could've taken Y/N. 

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now