Second Killer?

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"It's a stone wall" Jin stated the obvious. 

"He can't of gone out the front door." Namjoon looked back at the door. 

"That only means that there's more secrets to this place" Eunwoo ran his fingers through the rough stone wall when he stopped feeling a hole. He felt it more before pushing it. A shaking sound and vibration was felt and heard as the stone wall craved an opening. It was dark, looked like a small tunnel.

 "Look the footprints!" Jungkook pointed to blood that was mixed in with the dirt. 

"We don't know where this tunnel leads to, we must be careful." Eunwoo took a deep breath before walking into the tunnel. The other boys slowly crept behind to. As they walked they could see a light from the other end. 

"A light?" Namjoon tilted his head. 

"I think this is a way out." Eunwoo continued walking when sunlight struck him. It was an exit. They were now behind the mansion. 

"Damn it, the footprints are gone" Eunwoo clicked his tongue. 

"What do we do now?" Tae asked holding Jungkook's hand. As Eunwoo was thinking, they heard the leaves crunch from behind a bush.

 As Eunwoo was thinking, they heard the leaves crunch from behind a bush

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Their heads twisted in the direction. They furrowed their eyes as they kept looking at the shaking bush. Eunwoo slowly approached the bush, pulling out his gun. He pointed it at the bush as he quickly 'cut' it in half. It was nothing, no one was hiding or anything.

 "Must of been a squirrel or something" Eunwoo whispered to himself as he walked back to the others. We have to go to the city.

 "How? It's like 3 hours away" Namjoon put his hands on his hips. 

"Don't worry, I know how to fix a tire" Eunwoo gestured them to follow him. 

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now