Another Mission.

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"I can't believe she killed her own parents..." Hobi looked down at his feet. 

"No wonder she never liked talking about them. And lied about babysitting her sister when she really went off to go kill innocent people" Namjoon scoffed. Eunwoo didn't know what to say. 

"Well do you guys know where she is now?" He asked. 

"Probably went back to that abandoned mansion" Jin rolled his eyes. 

"What if she's... Dead...?" Hobi looked concerned. 

"She's to smart to let herself die like that, and I'm sure that scar on her head isn't big enough to kill her." Yoongi poked his cheek with his tongue. 

"Well we have to go get her alive or dead" Eunwoo stood up.

 "We can't let her walk around killing anyone she wants." He sighed. Hobi's heart dropped hearing that.

"Well what if she is alive?" Jin asked

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"Well what if she is alive?" Jin asked. 

"I have a gun" Eunwoo reloaded his gun as Tae's jaw dropped. 

"That was empty this entire time!?" He scoffed angrily. 

"Yeah sorry, just to threaten you guys." Eunwoo scratched his nape letting out a chuckle. 

"Let's get some rest first, you guys have had a long night, two can fit in one tent and there are extra sleeping bags." He pointed to the tents. 

"Ok thank you" Namjoon headed to one with Hobi as others split themselves and leaving Jin to sleep with Eunwoo. As they both entered their tent, Eunwoo lit a lantern. The tents were big enough for them both to stand up.

As Eunwoo bent down on his knees, Jin looked at him with some jealousy

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As Eunwoo bent down on his knees, Jin looked at him with some jealousy. 

"How can someone look more handsome than me? I'm World Wide Handsome you know!?" Jin thought to himself making visible pouts. 

"You should sleep instead of staring" Eunwoo put a lit match inside the lantern not even turning to Jin. Jin was startled and immediately sat down on an orange sleeping bag. Soon Eunwoo fell asleep lightly snoring. Jin couldn't sleep. His head was filled with the events that happened before. Although he acted like he didn't care about Y/N, deep down he wished she was with them again. In those thoughts he managed to close his eyes and fall asleep.

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now