Where's Y/N?

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The boys slowly creep into the house. The only sound heard was their footsteps and the crackling of the fire in the fireplace. 

"Careful" Eunwoo whispered looking around. 

"G-guys..." Hobi stood frozen looking at a puddle of mostly dried blood with a black varsity jacket drenched in the corner of the giant arch leading to the dining room. When the others saw it too they either covered their mouths or had widened eyes. 

"That's Y/N's..." Jungkook started to heavily breath. Tae heard and immediately pulled him close. 

"What the heck!? How can a hit on the head BY A WALL make a puddle of blood!? She wasn't even bleeding that much when I hit her" Yoongi was shocked and felt so guilty.

 "Wait check around! She might be somewhere still alive!" Eunwoo started to run upstairs. The others also split and checked every room.

"Did you guys find her?" Eunwoo came panting down the stairs back to the first floor. 

"No luck" Namjoon shook his head. 

"How could she just leave like that if she's not here?" Tae was confused. 

"The main roads not far, let's maybe try fix the car and drive to the town and maybe try track her or something." Hobi was panicking. 

"Well we still need the keys which Y/N had last" Jimin bent his head back. 

"Not all cars need a key to start the engine." Jin reminded them. 

"Yeah for driving, what about opening the door to get in? And the scratched tire?" Jimin argued. 

"Pick it?" Namjoon suggested.

 "Tire?" Jimin looked at him. 

"I don't know" Namjoon sighed. Hobi noticed something on the floor. He squinted his eyes to try make out what it was he saw. 

"Hobi?" Jin saw him looking at the ground. 

"There's something here" Hobi bent down and touched the ground. He touched the floor and lifted his finger up. 

"This is blood...Blood footprints" he stood up. The others gathered around and looked on the floor. 

"Is it Y/N's?!" Jin followed the footprints with his eyes which led to the fireplace. 

"It can't be, she wore sandals. These are boots." 

"Someone else was here?" The boys were even more scared

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"Someone else was here?" The boys were even more scared.

 "Who could've taken Y/N?" Jimin didn't know what to do. 

"Follow those footprints" Eunwoo carefully looked at the floor as he walked beside the dried bloody footprints. They all reached the fireplace where the blood stopped right next to it facing a stone wall...

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now