Once again with you

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The boys were waiting in front of the room Y/N was admitted in as Eunwoo was explaining this disorder Y/N had. 

"The disorder takes at least a few years to recover from but for now we can reduce the second personality from showing up." 

"How is she suppose to stay in a prison for like a lifetime with this disorder? They'll take her to a mental asylum." Jin sniffed. 

"True but I was able to call my station up and told them everything and they said because what she's done does require a lifetime sentence in jail, but they're welcome to get her some help and instead put her in a rehabilitation centre and she will be fined 1 billion dollars and that fine will be donated to all the victims families." Eunwoo explained. The doctor walked out a bit later and the boys who were sitting down stood up. 

"How is she?" Namjoon asked worriedly.

 "She's woken up and is fine, except the injuries and blood loss she suffered have made her weak and she will need a bit of rest for the next week or so. Your welcome to go see her." The doctor smiled and walked off. Namjoon nodded and walked into the room stopping at the door. He gently knocked on the open door to catch Y/N's attention. 

Y/N gently pushed her head towards the door and saw the eight of them. They all surrounded her bed with Hobi gently holding her hand. 

"How are you feeling." Tae asked sweetly. Y/N didn't answer, she felt so guilty about what she did to them. 

"Y/N... It wasn't your fault, it will never be." Jin smiled. 

"Of course when people find out they'll want you behind bars but, that's because they don't know what your going through, and we'll never show your face to the media. Jungkook held her shoulder. 

"I-I'm not going to jail?" Y/N stuttered. 

"No, but you still need help" Hobi held her hand tighter. 

"It'll take a few years but once you're ok, you'll live your life again." Jimin caressed her hair. 

"I'll take care of the money to" Eunwoo sighed. 

"It's been a while Eunwoo." Y/N weakly chuckled. 

"It has" Eunwoo chuckled too. 

"We'll come here everyday until your ready to get your treatment." Eunwoo rubbed her head gently.

 "Exuse me sirs, visiting times are over, the patient must rest now" A nurse walked in with some food. They boys waved goodbye and walked out the room. 

"It's been a LONG day, let's get going home." Yoongi stretched his arms up. 

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now