Not Today

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They knew it was a females voice and rushed towards the sound. They ran through multiple doors before being pinned to the wall by multiple men. But the sight in front of them literally shook their world. Y/N was sitting in a chair with her hands tied behind a glass window. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, shuffling her chair around trying to escape. But shortly she stopped, breathing heavily. Her hair messily covered most of her face as sweat dripped from her nose and chin, and blood streamed down her tied hands and back head. Brian entered the room with the knife from before and walked up to Y/N, he was about to stab Y/N then and there before he was interrupted. 

"WAIT!" Hobi yelled and the man pinning him down tried covering his mouth. But Brian turned around seeing them there. 

"Oh wow, looks like you guys escaped, not surprised honestly." Brian chuckled walking out the glass room. 

"You can't kill her, at least give her to the police" Hobi started tearing making eye contact with Y/N who just looked at him coldly. 

"Why when I can make money?" Brian caressed the knife. Hobi couldn't say anything else and just started crying. 

"How did you even know Y/N was the killer?" Namjoon asked. Brian gave an annoyed sigh.

 "I might as well tell you." Brian started.

 "I was a driver for Y/N's family, I grew feelings for Y/N during that time, she was only four years younger than me, but she coldly rejected me saying she didn't like me back and liked someone else, I wasn't letting her go that easy, being her driver made it easier to sneak around the place, I followed her everywhere, but eventually I was caught trying to enter her room and was fired, I took the agent job and continued stalking her, eventually I uncovered she was a murderer. I served that old man for two years as an agent and yet he refused multiple times to give me a raise, even though he knew I was struggling with money. That one helped me a lot by following you all, in fact that's how we tracked you, from Namjoon's phone we tracked your location after he told us your phones were charged." Brian smiled pulling out Namjoon's phone.

 It was all silent for a while before Tae started kicking the men away making them unconscious, the others followed his cue and started a giant fight. There were about thirteen men who were now lying on the floor. Brian was about to attack with the knife but all the boys pinned him down on the floor. 

"Leave me you boneheads!" Brian grunted. 

"The only bonehead I see is you!" Namjoon snatched the knife from him and stabbed him right in the heart. They all panted as they loosened their grips. 

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now