Y/N is not Y/N..?

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They all stood up and kicked the door down rushing towards Y/N. Y/N continued screaming as they untied her hands. When she was free she immediately stood up and pushed Jungkook who was in front of her. 

"Y/N calm down!" Tae hugged her by the waist to stop her from running away. 

"LEAVE ME ALONE" Y/N screeched trying to pull away but she had barley any energy from all the cuts and hits she had taken. She still tried her best to wriggle out before Eunwoo made her stop. 

"That's not Y/N" Eunwoo stared at her with a dark gaze. 

"What are you talking about?" Jimin was confused. 

"That's not Y/N, ever since she became the killer she was never Y/N!" Eunwoo raised his voice making the boys flinch. 

"She has Dissociative identity disorder..." Eunwoo looked away. The boys were shocked. Tae's grip loosened and Y/N freed herself running towards Eunwoo and holding him by the throat against the wall. The others tried pulling her away but Eunwoo signalled them to stop. But something unexpected happened. 

Y/N burst into tears and fell onto her knees. Eunwoo didn't react.

 "Y/N..." Hobi whispered under his breath but everyone heard. 

"This isn't Y/N but one of her personalities... This can be caused by past trauma, the trauma her parents gave her..." Eunwoo sighed. Y/N was still on the floor sniffling when she suddenly fainted. Yoongi went to her and picked her up. 

"You can explain later, for now we need to take her to the hospital." Yoongi started jogging out the room with the others behind. 

'93 to a 100' BTS HORROR FF: Book 2 (ft TaeKook & Cha Eun Woo)Where stories live. Discover now