|𝟮|~Meeting ∙

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Key words!

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Key words!

(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C)- Eye Color
(F/N)- Fathers name
(M/N)- Mothers name
(F/C)- Favorite Color
(D/N)- Dragon's Name


A few screams were heard as people ducked out of the way of the falling torch. It lands on its side, and begins to roll away.

The netting containing the Deadly Nadders came loose, giving them time to wriggle out and take flight, the villagers watch in disbelief as the dragons fly away with their sheep.


Hiccup and (Y/N) watch the dragons leave with wide eyes, but cringed slightly once they noticed the amount of eyes glaring at the two.

"..okay but I hit a night fury." Hiccup speaks up, pointing to the woods. He yelps when his dad picks him up by his collar and begins to drag him away.

"I-it's not like the last few times, Dad! I really, actually hit it!" He tries to say, but his dad looks forward with annoyance.

"Just come check it out!" (Y/N) finally speaks, trying to keep up with the Chief's long strides.

"Their in the woods! I promise!" She pleads, grabbing hold of Stoick's arm and trying to pull him to the woods. The Chief doesn't say anything, just simply ignores the girl.

Gobber emerges from the crowd, watching the two teens try and reason with annoyed Chief with sympathy.

He feels a tap on his shoulder, turning around he's faced with a tall man, around the same height as him, if not taller. He had (H/C) hair, done in a messy fashion. His eyes were (E/C), slightly misty due to his age.

His attire was similar to the Chief's, the only difference was he didn't wear a cape, nor did he wear a helmet.

He wore a dark green shirt, tucked into black trousers, which were also neatly folded into two boots. A belt hung loosely against his waist, the same dragon symbol Stoick had resting in the center.

"Why if it isn't the commander!" Gobber calls with fake delight, a few people (including Stoick) turn to see the commotion.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?"

It was as clear as day that Gobber had grown a distaste towards the man. Maybe it was because Stoick, who Gobber considered his best friend, favored the tall man infront of him. Or maybe it was because he was better built than him.

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