|𝟯|~Unlikely Pair ∙

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You're Woolly Howl!

You're Woolly Howl!

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(Y/N) and Hiccup make their way through the woods, they made small talk once in a while, but most of the journey was completely silent. Hiccup looks down at his notebook, marking a small "X" across a hand drawn map, sighing as he does so.

He writes something down, grunting in annoyance before scribbling harshly in his book, he slams the it shut, tucking it under his arm before turning towards his friend.

"..the Gods hate me.." (Y/N) looks towards Hiccup, an amused smile on her face. "The Gods have bigger things to worry about than you and me." Hiccup scoffs, rolling his eyes and continuing forward.

"Some people loose their knife, or a mug! No, not me!" He continues, pushing twigs and branches out of his way.

"I manage to loose not one, but two dragons!" He harshly smacks a branch, yelping as it flies back and hits him in the face, causing him to fall back with a groan.

"Maybe they do hate you.." (Y/N) lets out a laugh, Hiccup glaring at her before looking towards the tree. The branches were broken off, not in a natural way, and few feet infront of the tree was a trail of (F/C) fur.

(Y/N) bends down and picks up a strand of fur, twirling it between her fingers before letting it go, watching curiously as it slowly makes its way towards the ground.

She stands up, gripping the strap of her bag and turning towards Hiccup, "Lets go." She says, not waiting for him as she quickly follows the trail.

Hiccup stagers after her, tripping over branches and knocking into trees as he does so. They come to stop by a small mound, slowly the two make their way towards it and crouch.

Hiccup carefully peaks over the mound, he gasps before ducking agin, his shoulder bumping harshly against (Y/N)'s head.

She looks to her friend in annoyance, rubbing her head gently to ease the pain. "What's wrong with you?!" She hisses, the boy dosent say anything, only points up with a shaking finger.

(Y/N) looks at him with a raised brow before she peaks over the mound, Hiccup slowly following after.

(Y/N) looks ahead with wide eyes, gasping softly as she catches sight of two large creatures, dragons to be precise, lying unconscious on the ground, wrapped in two bolas.

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