|𝟭𝟱|~Final Test ∙

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The crowd roars with cheers and excitement, each Viking ready to welcome in two more
kin. "Hiccup! (Y/N)! Hiccup! (Y/N)!" They yell, making Stoick chuckle as he walks forward,
(F/N) at his side.

"Well, we can all show our faces in public again!" He laughs, lightly hitting (F/N)'s shoulder. The commander clicks his tongue while chuckling, folding his arms as he looks out towards the crowd.

The crowd laughs in response, the cheers becoming silent as Stoick speaks. "If somebody told me that in a few short weeks Hiccup would go from, well, being...ah... Hiccup, to placing first in dragon training," Stoick snickers, shaking his head.

"Well, I would have tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he's gone mad!"
The crowd bellows with laughter, waving their fists in cheer. "And you know it!" Stoick laughs. breathing in deeply before continuing.

"(Y/N) has gone through terrible times.." he begins, everyone suddenly becoming deadly silent. (F/N) breaths in, nodding to his friend to continue. "Losing her mom. I'd fear it would have destroyed her.." he pauses, sighing as the crowd continues to murmur in sympathy.

"But (Y/N) is one of the strongest lasses I've ever known, and I'm sure (M/N) is watching right now, and are cheering her on this glorious day!"


The crowd cheers, both (F/N) and Stoick nodding and looking toward the sky with a small smile.

(Y/N) sighs softly, rubbing her neck as Hiccup places a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. Astrid walks over, gently hugging her while offering a small smile.


"So..here we are," Stoick calls over the crowd as they quiet once more. "And no one is more surprised...or more proud, then I am. Then we are."


Hiccup clenches the helmet in his hand, swallowing thickly as he sighs.


"Today my boy and (Y/N) become Vikings."
(Y/N) places her hand on his shaking one, making him jump lightly before he nods at her with a small smile. "Today, they become one of us!"

The crowd roars with joy, Hiccup looking up at Stoick, (Y/N) smiles to her father as he takes his seat next to the Chief. "Be careful with those dragons," Astrid softly says, looking up at her parents with a small sigh.

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