|𝟭𝟵|~Berk ∙

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Hiccup rests peacefully, his mouth parted slightly as he softly exhales. Toothless purrs lowly, sniffing at his friend with a light whine as he sits back up.

He huffs lightly, softly growling as he tries to wake his friend.

After a moment Hiccup stirs, making
Toothless' ears perk as he happily rumbles.
He nudges Hiccup's face as he groggily groans.

"Hey, Toothless," he chuckles weakly as Toothless eagerly nudges at his hands and face.

"I'm happy to see you, too, bud."

Hiccup lets out a yelp of pain as Toothless stands on his rib, causing him to jolt fully awake and sit up, his eyes wide as he looks around.

"I...I'm in my house."

Toothless patiently sits in front of his bed, his body swaying happily as he smacks his lips.
"Uh...you're in my house!" Toothless leaps around, jumping from a pillar and knocking over cooking supplies by a fire.

"D-does my dad know you're here?"

Toothless rushes over, sniffing at his hand as Hiccup continues rambling. "Uh, okay, okay!" He pauses, groaning as Toothless leaps onto the upper part of the house, hanging upside down.

"Toothless, no. No, Toothless! Aw, come on. Where's (Y/-.."

He trails off, finally noticing the absence of his best friend. He quickly goes to stand, his movements halting when he notices something off. He slowly moves the covers, his eyes wide.

Toothless joins him with a small rumble, tilting his head as Hiccup softly exhales and lowers his foot. He lowers the other one, revealing a metal prosthetic foot.

Toothless sniffs it, peering back up at Hiccup as he swallows thickly, rising with a sigh.

Hiccup takes a step, grunting as he limps heavily. He takes in another breath, taking another step and falling over with a yelp of pain as his prosthetic twists.

Toothless quickly catches him, allowing
Hiccup to use him for support as he helps him stand. "Okay...thanks, bud," Hiccup softly says, limping forward with Toothless at his side.

Toothless' tail swishes lightly, revealing his missing tail-fin, Hiccup's missing foot on the same side.

Hiccup braces himself, grunting as he struggles to open the door before gasping and slamming it shut at the sight of a Monstrous Nightmare.

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