|𝟭𝟯|~Romantic Flight ∙

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"..leaving! We're leaving," Hiccup announces as him and (Y/N) enter the clearing, both rushing around and looking for their dragons. "Yep, come on, (D/N)!" (Y/N) calls, setting down her bag as she looks through her supplies.

"Let's pack up!" Hiccup looks around, setting down his basket. "Looks like the four of us are taking a little vacation...forever." He sets his basket down and rummages through it as
(Y/N) sighs softly, looking through her own bag.

"Oh, man." Hiccup sighs to himself, rising.
He yells and stumbles back, (Y/N) spinning around, her eye twitching at the sight of Astrid sharpening her axe with a rock.

"What the..?!" Hiccup stammers, frantically rushing to (Y/N)'s side. The (H/C) girl sighs in annoyance, shaking her head before looking up at her friend. "What are you doing?" She mumbles, Astrid looking to her with a deep frown.

Of course they sorted things out, both Astrid and (Y/N) knew that, but that didn't mean the Hofferson needed to be nice to the Chief's son, (Y/N) still hadn't told her where the two ran off to everyday.

"I want to know what's going on between you two.." the blonde replies, tossing her rock as she hops off the rock. Hiccup blushes, shaking his head and turning away. "Uh..b-between us..as in.." He trails off, (Y/N) chuckling at his nervousness.

"No one just gets as good as you did,"
Astrid replies, glaring at Hiccup. "I mean sure, (Y/N)'s always just had a natural talent for this kind of stuff."

Both teens eyes widen at her backhanded complement, but decide to not say anything as Astrid held her axe up, continuing to move closer to the two.

"T-that's a little harsh-!"

"Start talking!" She interrupts (Y/N), glaring lightly. "Are you training with someone?"

"I-I-I, uh, training? I-I don't-"

"It better not involve this," Astrid growls, yanking on Hiccup's flight clothes. "Listen, Astrid, you just..we can't..I don't.." the boy trails off, nervously looking at the girl.

"I know this looks really bad, but you see..." their eyes widen as a large crack was heard, birds flying off as Astrid roughly shoves
Hiccup from her path.

He falls to ground with a grunt and a yelp, making (Y/N) lightly gasp as she kneels to help him, huffing as Astrid walks over him. The Hofferson makes her way towards the frustrated girl, grabbing her hand and bringing it to her chest.

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