|𝟭𝟲|~Plan ∙

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Stoick tugs his son towards the Great Hall, throwing him in by his arm with great force. Hiccup staggers, finding his balance before turning back to his father, a pleading look in his eyes.

A few feet away, (Y/N) and her father watch as the Chief looks down at his son with a scowl, (F/N) gripping his daughters shoulder, causing her to wince.

The Commander doesn't spare his her a single glance, he only faces forward, a frown etched into his lips.

"I should have known," Stoick growls to himself, pacing around in a rage. "I should have seen the signs."

"D-Dad?" Hiccup meekly calls, nervously looking towards (Y/N). She bites her tongue, her hands shaking in both anger and fear.

"We had a deal!"

"I know we did! That was before--"

Hiccup groans, gripping at his hair as he follows Stoick. "It's all so messed up."

"So everything you two did in the ring..a trick?" Stoick scoffs, shaking his head. "A lie?"
"I screwed up," Hiccup replies, gesturing with his hands. "I-I should have told you before now..I just.."

"And (Y/N)?" Stoick bitterly laughs, turning to the girl, who jerks her head up at the mention of her name.

"I thought you were the sensible one! You were supposed to keep Hiccup from doing anything to..Hiccup!"

"Maybe we need more Hiccup on Berk!" She snaps back, shaking her head as she glares up at Stoick. Her father jerks his head down and glares at her, surprised but also annoyed that she would talk back to the Chief.

Stoick straightens up for a moment, his eyes wide with shock at her outburst. Hiccup smiles to her, nodding his head before turning to his father, calling his attention back to the meek boy.

"Take this out on me, be mad at me! But please...just don't hurt Toothless or (D/N)!"

"The dragons?" Stoick demands, towering over his son as he backs away. "That's what you're worried about? Not the people you almost killed?!"

"They were just protecting us!" Hiccup reasons, his hands pulled to his chest in a pleading manner "They're-they're not dangerous!"

"They've killed hundreds of us!" Stoick's voice echoes, making Hiccup shake his head. "And we've killed thousands of them!" He yells back, almost as loud. "They defend themselves, that's all!"

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