|𝟭𝟰|~Dragon's Nest ∙

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"So..what now?" Astrid slowly asks, making
(Y/N) sigh heavily and stroke (D/N)'s ear, him purring happily in reply. She take a quick glance over at Hiccup as he sighs, shaking his head with a frown.

"Guys, your final exam is tomorrow!"
Hiccup looks over with furrowed brows before he looks back at Toothless.

"You know you'll have to kill.." Astrid cuts herself off, her grip on (Y/N)'s shoulder tightening as she whispers.

"..kill the dragons."

"Don't remind us." Hiccup grumbles, looking ahead. (D/N) lowly growls, his ears flickering as he tilts his head in concern. Toothless becomes alert, a light clicking and rumble coming from him.

Astrid gasps, gripping her friend tightly as
(D/N) suddenly takes the lead, Hiccup yelping as Toothless swiftly follows. "Toothless?
(D/N)? What's happening?" He questions, looking down at the Night Fury.

"(D/N)?" (Y/N) quietly calls, setting her hand gently on his neck. She flinches back as he roars, his ears flat against his skull.

"What is it?" (D/N) snarls, swiftly dodging to the left as a Monstrous Nightmare joins his side, (Y/N)'s eyes widening as she gasps.

"Get down!" Hiccup quickly orders, making both girls lower themselves onto the Howl's back, Astrid slightly leaning over (Y/N).

Toothless joins (D/N's side, lowly growling and snapping his head to look around.

He suddenly roars and runs into (D/N) as a Nadder joins his side, making Astrid yelp bury her head into (Y/N)'s neck. (D/N) barks a warning, lowly hissing.

The (H/C) girl locks eyes with the Nadder, glaring as the dragon chirps at her before facing forward.

"You good?" Astrid softly questions before they all gasp at the sight of hundreds of dragons surrounding them from the deep fog, each holding an animal or fish.

"What's going on?" (Y/N) breathes out, her eyes wide as (D/N) continues to hiss.

"I don't know," Hiccup whispers, setting a hand on Toothless' head. "Toothless, (D/N), you gotta get us out of here, guys." Toothless jerks his head, ignoring Hiccup. "It looks like they're hauling in their kill,"

Hiccup mumbles, looking around at the dragons. "Uh..what does that make us?" Astrid questions, her voice shaking. "We'll be fine Astrid.." (Y/N) mumbles, reaching around and squeezing the nervous blonde's hand.

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