|𝟱|~Dragon Manual ∙

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Hiccup and (Y/N) walk through the woods, stumbling upon the two bolas they shot the day before. The boy bends down, picking the bola up and expecting it. (Y/N) kicks the bola into a nearby bush, rolling her eyes and continuing forward.

Hiccup watches her with a frown. He noticed that ever since she got home, she didn't bother to talk to him, which concerned the boy.

He noticed that the splotches on her cheek had now turned a bright red, but not the horrific kind. It was the kind that he wanted to trace with his finger. The kind he wanted to stare at for as long as he could.

The marks were small, red and circular shaped. They created a pattern, almost like stars against the girls cheeks.

You'd think that she'd been embarrassed by them, but you couldn't be more wrong. The second (Y/N) left the infirmary, she didn't bother to cover her marks with a cloth, nor did she decide to make her way home.

She went about the rest of her day, she bought fish, did her daily exercise and ignored the odd stares people sent her way. But she couldn't rid her mind of the conversation (if you could even call it that) she had with Astrid.

It hurt (Y/N) to know that Astrid felt that way. She never meant to make it seem like she cared more for the Haddock boy.

It was just that Hiccup and her connected more easily then (Y/N) and Astrid ever did, or could.

Sure that sounds selfish, but it was true. The minute she bumped into the boy, she knew that they would become close friends.

They had the same interests, and they were both socially awkward. The only difference was that (Y/N) could stand up for herself more easily than Hiccup.

(Y/N) shakes her head, trying to rid herself of the thoughts. She needed to focus on the task at hand, finding the Woolly Howl and Night Fury..


They both make it to a clearing and stop, staring in awe at the sight infront of him. A decent sized pond sat in the middle, small fish bobbing to the surface every few minutes.

(Y/N) grins, nudging her shoulder against Hiccups, "Dibs." She calls, sitting down and draping her legs over the edge.

Hiccup looks down at her, "You can't call dibs on a place we both found!" He retorts, snickering slightly as he watches her roll her eyes.

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