|𝟲|~More training ∙

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Stoick looks up, eyeing the flag of his ship. It was red, a dragon with two swords piercing it adorning the front. He shakes his head with a grunt, turning around. "I can almost smell them, their close.." he mumbles, his voice low.

(F/N) appears next to the Chief, his hands behind his back, his posture straight. He glances to his Chief, nodding his head before turning to his crew, his voice strict with authority. "Steady now!" He yells, the crew nodding and rushing to their posts. "Take us in!"

"Hart to port!" Someone yells, "For Helheim's Gate," Stoick mumbles as he walks to the front of the ship, standing tall. "Hart to port!"
The ship was turned, slowly rowing into the wall of fog, disappearing with the other two.

It was quiet for a moment, a low rumbling sounding off. A flash of fire goes off, revealing a large silhouette of a dragon.


"You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies!" Hiccup calls up to Gobber as (Y/N) keeps watch for the dragon stalking them.

"Is there, like, another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a Night Fury pamphlet-!" He yelps as he's pushed to the ground, (Y/N) crouching next to him. "Get your head in the game stick!"

"Focus Hiccup! You're not even trying!" Gobber yells, slamming his hands on the railing in annoyance. (Y/N) drags Hiccup by the arm, the Nadder hot on their heels.

"Today is all about attack!" The one legged man continues, watching the teens with wary eyes. "Nadders are quick and light on their feet, your job is to be quicker and lighter!"

Fishlegs yelps as he sees the Nadder eyeballing him, its tail spiking up before it shoots spikes at him. He screams, blocking them with his shield as he whimpers,

"I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods!" Gobber ignores him, "Look for its blindspot. Every dragon has one," he simply replies, picking at his teeth. "Find it, hide in it, and strike!"

The twins skid to a stop in front of the Nadder, freezing as it sniffs at them, unable to see them. Ruffnut groans as she smells her brother, "Do you ever bathe?" She questions, both moving as the dragon moves its head.

"If you don't like it, then just get your own blindspot," Tuffnut snaps back, shoving her away as he focuses on the Nadder. "How about I give you one?!" She growls back, butting heads with him before they both gasp as the dragon nears them.

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