|𝟭𝟬|~Test Flight ∙

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The destroyed Viking ships return, everyone mostly unharmed. They row to the docks, everyone's mood slightly sour at the unsuccessful quest.

Stoick heavily sighs, grabbing the hand of the Viking helping him up. He pats his shoulder in thanks, sighing once more. The Hofferson couple follow after, eager to see their daughter.

(F/N) stumbles out the boat, grumbling softly as he clutches his shoulder, a bandage wrapped securely around it. He looks ahead, eager to get home and take a long nap. Gobber stands at the edge of the dock, his eyes wide at the Commander's state.

He shakes it off and turns to his Chief,  "I trust you found the nest, at least?" Gobber questions, looking at the scorched ships.
"Not even close." Stoick growls back, stomping past him. "Ah. Excellent," Gobber sarcastically mumbles, nodding to Astrid's parents.

"I hope you had more success than me,"
Stoick continues, walking along the dock. "Well..if by success, you mean that your—all of your parenting troubles are over," Gobber says, causing the parents to turn and look at him in confusion. "..then yes!"

"Congratulations, you lot!" A woman shouts, hugging (F/N) with a grin. "Everyone is so relieved!" The commander shakes her off, keeping some distance as he looks around at the crowd. "Out with the old and in with the new, right?" A man smiles, happily following the woman.

"No one will miss those old nuisances!"

"We're throwing a party to celebrate!"

Stoick lightly gasps, looking at Gobber as the Hofferson's look at each other. "(Y/N)? Is she alright?!" (F/N) quickly questions, startling Gobber, Astrid's mother turns to him, a perplexed look in her face. "And Astrid?" The pegged leg man stammers, chuckling nervously.

"They're gone?" Stoick questions, Gobber shrugging lightly. "Em, yeah," he nods, walking along as the parents follow. "Most afternoons, but, who can blame them? They hardly get any alone time anymore! They can barely walk through the village without being swarmed by their new fans."

Stoick looks to his friend in disbelief, the Commander coming to stand next to him with a raised brow. "Hiccup and (Y/N)?" Stoick repeats, his voice full of disbelief. "Astrid too?" The Hofferson's ask, confused as to why their daughter would hang out with (Y/N) and Hiccup.

"You know Astrid...never liked Hiccup.." Gobber mumbles, giving the parents a knowing look. The Hofferson's look to eachother and nod sadly. They weren't disappointed in their daughter, not in the slightest, they knew about Astrid's feelings towards the (H/C) girl long before anyone else knew.

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