|𝟰|~Dragon Training ∙

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"So if anyone asks..we were just.." (Y/N) and Hiccup make their way back to the Village, the boy slightly shaking due to the events that had unfolded.

"Frolicking through the woods?" Hiccup finishes, his friend nodding at him and continuing forward. "No one will suspect a thing."

They make it to (Y/N)'s house, stopping only a few feet away from the door. Hiccup turns to the girl, raising and eyebrow as she she looks down and sighs. "Astrid's gonna kill me.." she laughs, shaking her head before looking up at Hiccup.

"...oh, yeah." The boy replies sheepishly, rubbing the nape of his neck. "She's never really been a fan of me..has she?"

(Y/N) laughs, walking closer to him and placing both of her hands on his shoulder, looking at him with sympathy and slight amusement.

"Don't worryy!" She laughs, shaking him slightly as he chuckles along.

"Besides.." her laughter dies down and she stares into his eyes, a gentle smile painting her lips.

Hiccup feels heat crawl up his neck and to his ears, trying to maintain eye contact. "I think your pretty great." (Y/N) whispers, leaning closer to him, her smile turning into a smirk.

Hiccup's eyes widen, he swallows harshly, looking down before releasing a nervous chuckle. "T-thank you.." he stutters, his hands shake at their closeness, glancing down to her lips every few seconds.

"Welp!" (Y/N) jerks her head away, laughing and patting Hiccup's shoulders. "Best get going!" The boy nods numbly, he doesn't say a word as he watches her enter the house.

"Get some rest!" She calls, nodding at him before closing her door completely. Hiccup sighs dreamily, turning and walking home with a lopsided grin.

"She thinks I'm great!" He mumbles, pumping a fist in the air as he continues the path home.


He makes it home, opening the door and shutting it as quietly as he could. He catches sight of his father, bending down infront of the fire place and poking it every few minutes.

Hiccup carefully makes his way towards the stairs, tiptoeing up as quietly as he could. He made it half way before his father spoke up.

"Hiccup.." Stoick mumbles, turning his head slightly towards his son. Hiccup tenses, sighing before making his way down the stairs to stand infront of the Chief.

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