|𝟳|~Bonding ∙

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"You know...you didn't have to come, I could have-"

"Are you forgetting that we're in this together?"

It had been like this for about an hour. Hiccup would tell (Y/N) to go back home and rest, and (Y/N) would have to repeatedly reassure him that she was fine as they made their way through the woods.

The boy looked down sheepishly, rubbing his neck with a sigh. "I'm just..worried about you, okay?" He mumbled, turning his head away and staring at the ground.

(Y/N) looked to him with a frown, it wasent right for her to snap at him, but could you blame her? I mean after the conversation she had with Astrid, it was natural for her to react this way.

But she couldn't rid herself of the guilt, she watched as her friend slumped forward, his excitement to find the dragons long gone. She sighed and made her way towards him, reaching out a hand and grasping his.

Hiccup flinches but didn't pull away, his posture went completely straight as he stared at the girl, who in turn didn't spare him a glance, she only stared forward.

(Y/N) gave his hand a gentle squeeze, Hiccup grinning and reciprocating the action. They didn't say anything as they neared the clearing, a gentle breeze passed through the air, both teens relaxing and enjoying the quiet.


They make it to the clearing, and (Y/N) slowly walks towards the pond. Hiccup moves forward, but his shield gets wedged between two rocks.

He tugs and pulls, but the weapon dosnet come loose, (Y/N) turns around and chuckles, folding her arms and raising a brow. He catches her eye and scoffs, disregarding the shield and making his way towards her.

They both walk around, glancing towards the cliffs and raising a brow when the dragons were nowhere in sight. "Did they leave?" (Y/N) mumbles, the grasp on her bag becoming tight.

Hiccup shrugs his shoulders, neither of the two noticing the Night Fury behind them, perched against a rock.

A few feet away, the Woolly Howl slowly lifts its head, it's body pressed against the wall of the cavern. It turns his head towards the two teens, wondering what they were doing.

It gently detaches from the wall and crawls to the ground, crouching slightly as it slowly moves towards the unsuspecting teens.

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