|𝟭𝟭|~Finally ∙

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Both (Y/N) and Hiccup make it back to their home, or "the blacksmith that felt like a second home" to be more precise. They made small talk along the way, both giggling and laughing without a care in the world.

They made it to the front door, about to open it but a voice cuts them off. "(Y/N)?" Both teens turn around, their eyes going wide at the sight of Commander (L/N), standing there with a tight lipped smile.

"Dad!" (Y/N) calls, rushing down the steps and tackling her father in a tight hug. (F/N) laughs lightly, wrapping his daughter in a tight embrace before glancing up and locking eyes with a nervous looking Hiccup.

"You kept her safe?" The Commander asks, an arm wrapped around his daughter's shoulders. Hiccup nods frantically, receiving a laugh from the intimidating man. "Good.." (F/N) sighs, looking down at (Y/N) and giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"Best be going then eh?" He asks lightly, both teens nodding softly before locking eyes, (Y/N) giving Hiccup a warm smile before both
(L/N)'s turn and leave. The boy watches sadly as they depart, hopping to have one more night with the (H/C) girl.

He sighs, shaking his head before turning and entering the blacksmith.


(Y/N) and her father walk in a peaceful silence, both of them basking in eachothers comfort, (Y/N) glad to have her father back and (F/N) relieved to be home with his daughter.

"You know.." he starts, his daughter snapping to attention and looking to him. "I invited you're friend over for dinner..to celebrate.."

(Y/N) hums in confusion, "Mind if I ask which friend it is?" She asks, her fingers crossed tightly, hoping her father didn't bring up the one person she had been avoiding the whole day.


(F/N) watches as his daughter cringes at the name, sighing and patting her head. "Everyone knows how that lass feels for you." (Y/N) rolls her eyes at the statement. "But!" He interjects, "It'd be good to..talk about things?"

The Commander reels back at his choice of words, watching his daughter chuckle at his poor attempt at cheering her up.

"Don't worry about it." (Y/N) mumbles, patting her fathers arm. They make it to their house, which sat a few ways off from a small cliff, several birds sitting on the roof.

Both (Y/N) and her father spot a certain blonde haired couple sitting by their dining table, the (E/C) girl sucking a breath in at the sight of a certain teenage Viking.

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