Chapter 4

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The way he looked at her every morning before they went to work as they sat together ad ate breakfast, she often chewed on the plain as hell Weetabix he served before sneakily glazing her food with honey and the fruit he had to make a smoothie just to prove a point that he was boring. They had gotten into a nice little routine and Jac hated to admit that it was actually tolerable now. She wasn't exactly the patient type when it came to real-life so waiting for things to settle down was dragging on so much that she was getting itchy feet. They did often argue though, that was something she liked not that she would admit she liked arguing with him to Fletch himself. She liked it because she could win every argument hands down, he usually backed down but she didn't actually like the concept of arguing with him as it oddly hurt her more than she would ever let on.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" she seethes, he frowns and looks around the place wondering what set her off this time "You put your shirts in with my clothes...I know what, it doesn't matter!"

"I'm sorry I must have misplaced them-"

"What are you? Blind?" she snaps and walks into the kitchen, she pulls out the bottle of wine and pours herself a glass "Do not lecture me-"

"I wouldn't dream of it"

"Right whilst you calm down I'm going to have a bath. Can I use your bath stuff or not?"

"Do whatever you want, you do anyway-"

"Well I'm not going to do it if you're going to kill me after" he responds, she looks at him and her eyes fall to her wine glass "So-"

"Use my fucking bath stuff then" she snaps and walks off upstairs, he sighs and runs his hands through his hair before heading upstairs into the bathroom

She waited on the sofa with a glass of wine, she wanted to go to bed but couldn't because he was still in the bath. Jac sighed and trudged up the stairs, she could at least get changed to pass the time so she chucked on an oversized t-shirt with some old pyjama bottoms she had at the bottom of the pile of clothes she hadn't bothered to put away yet. She frowned as Fletch just walked into the bedroom without warning, was he actually being annoying on purpose now? It was the smirk on his face that got to her the most but she let it slide as she didn't have the energy after back-to-back emergency surgery that morning.

"So you make a habit of walking into my bedroom now?"

"What's mine is yours" he teases, she shoots him a look "Liven're decent so what's the problem?"

"The problem is with you taking liberties" she responds, an eyebrow raised as she walks over to take his clothes from him, it was only then, past the anger that she realises he only had a towel wrapped around his waist "You know...if this is some way of..."

"Some way of what?"

"It doesn't matter" she dismisses him and chucks the washing into the basket before sighing, she peers over her shoulder at him drying himself off with another towel "Put some clothes on-"

"Distracting you am I?" he raises an eyebrow to question her back, she huffs and shakes her head before turning away to organise her skin care on the dresser "You've never done that before-"

"Done what?"


"It's a new years resolution"

"It's April" he responds bluntly, she huffs and looks at him, glaring and all; he didn't even bat an eyelid

"Are you out to be purposely annoying today?" she asks, an almost demand that didn't sit well with him but he smirked anyway

"Let's be honest, Jac, we all know what's bothering you," he says and steps towards her, she just walks away and turns her back to him, she reaches up and under her shirt to take her bra off, the garment falling to the floor which takes him by surprise

"Now we're even" she holds it above her head and then chucks it in the wash "Goodnight Adrian, don't let the door hit you on the way out"

"I'm pretty sure I can manage," he says quietly and leaves the room, she groans into her pillow before mustering up the energy to get up and brush her teeth

Sleep didn't seem to happen, she was flustered and it was him, it was all down to him, this situation backing up the idea of hell she had in her mind about him recently. If this was a couple of years ago her inner self would have killed for this and those walls would have fallen but she was older and wiser now, well she thought she was anyway. She winced at the floor creaking, her bedroom happened to be above the lounge so she hoped she didn't wake him up on the way down to get water from the kitchen, she jumped slightly as he was already in her kitchen armed with two mugs full of coffee, she pulled a face and frowned before he offered her a coffee, she accepted it and asked if it was decaf to make sure she could actually sleep after having it, he nodded simply.

"I heard ya"

"Thought you might have," she says quietly and sits on the sofa, on his duvet to be precise "I should probably get someone in to look at that when all of this is over"

"Could be something worthwhile doing" he smiles and sits down next to her "So why can't you sleep?"

"Just couldn't...happens sometimes you know" she shrugs, he nods slowly and places a hand on her knee, she looks down at it so he removes it, she felt bad for that

"Well if you're not sleeping in your bed I may have to steal it as this sofa is far from comfortable" he grins, she laughs slightly before yawning "I'm sorry about earlier though"


" walking around in that towel...teasing you..." he trails off, she raises an eyebrow, the more she thought about it the more she realised she didn't mind "I'm just...sorry"

"I was as bad, let's just forget about it. Clean slate and all that?" she looks at him hopefully, he nods and falls back against the sofa

"Speaking about this clean slate...I have a proposition for you-"

"Depends what it is but go on" she could already sense that she wouldn't like it by the way he bit his lip

"Well as you have that super king-sized bed in your room...we could share it-"

"Share it?" she splutters, "Over my dead body"

"Hear me out" he groans, she clenches her jaw and places her mug down on the table "we put pillows down the middle-"

"No, because you snore-"

"I don't snore"

"I am not sharing a bed with you. Full stop" she gets up and heads upstairs, he snorts and rolls his eyes, it was worth a try

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