Chapter 7

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She actually couldn't admit how much she was starting to love the weekends. Before it was awful but now it was just, nice, it was nice, it was the only way she could describe it. They had a nice little routine, they would get up, go for a walk around the park and then come back home, snack, and watch something together before Jac had a nap, he often stayed awake though, there was something in him that wanted to make sure she was ok. When she woke she smiled sheepishly at him, often she would use his duvet and wrap herself up in it, breathing in the lingering scent of his aftershave unbeknownst to him.

"Now what about...cheese on toast for lunch?" he suggests, she hums and nods as she sits up "Did you have a good nap?"

"Yeah I did" she rubs the back of her neck, he smiles at her "I might need to purchase a new sofa"


"It's so uncomfortable"

"Welcome to my world" he grins and turns her grill on, she sighs and stretches her back "I was thinking...maybe we could eat out in the garden as its warm out-"

"Hm, fine" she confirms and picks up the blanket from the arm of the sofa, she pads outside and places the blanket on the grass, he comes out with a couple of drinks "There better not be any alcohol in that"

"Don't worry there's not"

"Good I haven't recovered from the last lot yet" she grimaces, he chuckles and ruffles her hair causing her to rolls her eyes and use her fingers to straighten it out again, it wasn't long before he came back out with two plates "Thanks"

"No problem" he smirks, she stretches her legs out as she eats "So how's Emma?"

"She's getting on fine, she's doing online school as your kids probably are as well but yeah it is what it is, she seems happy enough" Jac shrugs, Fletch nods slowly "How are your kids?"

"Difficult as always, I don't really get much out of the older two whereas the younger two are more than happy to show me what they're doing and what my dad's been doing with them, they seem fine, happy, I do miss them though"

"I miss Emma as well, I hope when all this is over then...things will get back to somewhat normal"

"Me too"

They sat around and talked for a bit, they were just making idle chit-chat really, nothing of great importance or interest. They went back in as it started to unexpectedly rain, she sighed and flattened all the raindrops into her hair, he chuckled at her worries of it going frizzy he knew she was just being dramatic. Fletch found something on TV to watch, she smiled and gestured for him to get under the duvet with her which he did, he smiled at her, she smiled back before turning her attention to the screen in front of them.

"I was thinking"

"That can only mean something bad" he teases, she rolls her eyes and lobs a raisin at him "I'm joking...go on"

"I was thinking about how uncomfortable this sofa is and maybe...just maybe I'll let you bunk in with me but there are ground rules obviously..."

"And these rules are?"

"Pillows down the middle like you suggested, no touching me, no snoring, if it gets too much for either of us we don't tell the other in case old feelings rise which is something I know we both don't want"

"I'm happy with that if you are"

"Well I'm not entirely happy with it but if it stops you complaining about my furnishings then I will consider it" she chucks another raisin at him, he rolls his eyes and steals one from the bag she had "Hey!"

"Sharing is caring, what's yours is mine...all those little nuances" he smirks, she huffs and shakes her head "I know you're a big softie at heart"

"Say that again and all these raisins will come back up and cover that t-shirt of yours"

"I'm a nurse...sick doesn't offend me"

"You're starting to offend me so I would shut up before I go back on my deal"

"You really do love to wear the trousers don't you?"

"I'm warning you" she glares, he smirks and steals another one of her raisins, he smirks at her, she couldn't help smirk at him "Now behave, eyes forward-"

"What if I don't want to take my eyes off you"

"Well tough" she grabs his chin and turns it to face the screen, she laughs and leans back against the arm of the sofa with a soft smile on her face

They just lazed around all day, what else could they actually do as they had been out. Fletch suggested they played a game of cards or something to pass the time, out of sheer boredom she agreed. Ten games down and Jac was winning, she glanced to the time and groaned, he followed her eyes noticing it was late so they decided they would head to bed. She let him use the bathroom first and then got changed in her bedroom, he was surprisingly quick and gulped as he witnessed her take her hair out of the bun it was in, it cascading down her bare back, she unhooks her bra from behind and he felt his mouth go dry as she chucked her shirt over her head and then scooped her hair up so it wasn't trapped under it.

"Oh...hello" she smiles and climbs into her side of the bed, he just stands there awkwardly "What are you waiting for? I've already given you an invitation"

"Yeah...right" he mumbles and heads over to the wash bin, he chucks his clothes in it and then sits on the edge of the bed, she looks at him confused "Maybe this isn't a good idea..."

"Why?" she asks, he bites his lips and looks at her legs and her body knowing all she was wearing underneath the shirt she had on was her underwear "I can put some pyjama bottoms on if you want, it's just it's too hot but we can put the fan on-"

"No, no" he shakes his head and plumps up the pillows on his side, she nods and pulls the covers over her, he does the same "Night"

"Night" she whispers before biting her lip, she now realised that this was just highly awkward "Can you stop that?"


"Tossing and turning" she mutters, he bites his lip and lays on his back "Stop looking at me as well"

"How did you even know I was looking at you?"

"I can feel your eyes on me" she states before turning over onto her back, he huffs and turns over and she looks at him

"Stop looking at me now"

"This isn't going to work" she complains, they were just too conscious of everything and old feelings tonight

"We could always have sex?"

"What sort of fucking demented idea is that?!" she seethes, he snorts and laughs at her response "The last thing I want to do is do that...with you...go and see Ange if you want...that"

"I'm joking Jac...I'm joking" he assures her, she rolls her eyes and turns over on her side "Goodnight"


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