Chapter 11

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The sofa was so fucking uncomfortable, she groaned and then tossed and turned over and over before giving up and just watching some video on open-heart surgery on her phone. Jac didn't know if it was the sofa that was causing her to be unable to sleep or the thoughts in her head about what happened in her bed with Fletch. She groaned and then walked into the downstairs bathroom, she ran her wrists under the cool tap trying to quell the building arousal. Huffing she rubbed her hand over her forehead before sighing and heading back out to the living room, she went into the kitchen and then poured herself some water before trying to get some sort of sleep. The morning came and he smirked as he came downstairs, she was so stubborn sometimes and for her to actually go to the efforts of sleeping on the sofa because she didn't want him to pleasure her was amusing him more than he cared to admit.

"Shut up!" she shouts as she hears the pots and pans clattering around as he rummaged around in her cupboards "Make me breakfast"

"You are demanding arent you?"

"You should know that by now" she practically chucks the duvet across the living room floor, he raises an eyebrow "I hate you-"


"Fuck you" she swipes the freshly made coffee from his grasp and he groans before making himself another one "I'm going into work today-"

"I thought you had a couple of days off"

"Tough I cant spend the entire day here festering over that fucking vibrator of yours...this is your fault, all of it"

"I know"

"The vibrator would be so much better than you in bed"

"You wouldn't know" he quips, a small smirk on his lips, she was tempted to chuck her coffee over him "We could always test that theory out-"

"You can fuck right off" she mutters and he snorts before heading upstairs to get ready, she huffs and sits on the sofa agitatedly

Jac went into work, she couldn't sit still and he routinely smirked at her, neither of them ever said anything at work as they were literally in each other's pockets at home. Back-to-back surgery and Jac sent the entire day flustered as she continued to remember what happened the night before leaving her to make errors and just be genuinely annoyed at her inability to forget Fletch and what he did. She was so glad to get through the door at the end of the day and flop down onto the sofa after mustering up the energy to take her shoes off. Fletch came in after her, he rolled his eyes and then slid his shoes off, he frowned at a package he was holding.

"What's that?" she asks, he looks at her and then passes it to her "Actually I don't want to know"

"It's another vibrator-"

"You having me on" she mutters and he snorts before ripping into open and passing the box to her "What on earth is...fuck you"

"You're more than welcome to fuck me any time" he smirks and nudges her, she groans and grabs the lighter from in the kitchen "Uh, uh, uh no!"

"Stop buying me fucking vibrators!" she snaps, he laughs and looks at her "What even is this one"

"Go put it on, I'll show you-"

"I'm not putting it on, fuck off" she mutters and walks into the bathroom, he was hot on her heels and wedged his foot in the door to stop it from closing, he chucks the box into the bathroom causing her to sigh "No"

"Okay" he removes his foot and the door shuts immediately, he smirks and heads into the kitchen to start cooking dinner, she comes out of the bathroom and sighs at him, he dives into his pocket and takes the remote out, she gulps "Are you ok there?"

"You're not controlling when" she sighs realising what she had gotten herself into, he snorts and turns it on causing her to grab onto the nearest wall "Fuck off Fletch!"

"Just relax" he whispers as she breathes out before glaring at him as he turns it off "I could get used to this"

"I'm taking it off" she mutters and he grabs her wrist to stop her, she huffs "I am not sitting down"

"Afraid you might orgasm in front of me?" he raises an eyebrow, she groans and turns away from him, she heads upstairs causing him to turn it on when she was halfway up the stairs

"Adrian fucking Fletcher fuck off!" she screams from the stairs, he snorts and returns to cooking dinner for them both

He left her to it for a while and she came back downstairs and then sat on the sofa in a strop, they ate together and she was grumpy, she looked like a child sitting there with her arms crossed over her chest, an obvious pout to her lips. Fletch put some movie on and she huffed uncomfortably before he rolled his eyes and pulled out the remote from his pocket, he saw her lick her lips so he put it on the first setting and she let out a long sigh, he smirked as she shuffled around in her seat. Her fingers were digging into the sofa beneath her causing him to turn it off.

"Fuck you" she whispers, he snorts and she tries to grab the remote from him "Fletch"

"Jac" he looks at her, she bites her lip as she realises how close to his face she actually was, he clicks the remote on causing her to gasp and her legs to tremble slightly

"!" she groans and he turns it off again, she sighs in frustration "Stop this"


"I mean it-" she snaps before moaning slightly as he clicked it on and then turned the setting up "Oh my..."

"Only if I could cup it against you-"

"You are going nowhere!" she grits out before he turns it off, she huffs in annoyance "We are leaving this right at home as well"

"It could be fun to do on the ward-"

"I can think of better things" she mutters, he watches her go up and grab the box before heading into the bathroom, she returns and swipes the remote from him "That's enough of that"

"Live a little"

"Fuck off" she mutters and lets out a frustrated sigh "I'm having a bath-"

"Are you though?"

"Just...don't come upstairs-"

"I won't be coming anywhere at this rate" he bites his lip to try and suppress a smirk, she groans and heads upstairs allowing him to watch whatever he wanted on the telly

She was lying flat on her back, her eyes closed and she heard him upstairs in the bathroom causing a small smile on her face. Jac found the energy to get up and she laughed evilly at grabbing her lingerie, she slid it on just as he walked into the room, he groaned and he knew it was deserved. He asked if it was for his benefit, she said yes and he groaned again, shoving one of his hands in the pocket of the joggers he decided to wear so she smirked and walked up to him, just dressed in her lingerie, nothing else on her body. It was sheer and his mind was racing, the temptation to reach out and just touch it was there and she could see the battle in his eyes but instead she ran her fingers around the top of his trousers before taking the shirt he had in his hand and putting it on herself

"Is that it then?"

"Night Fletch" she closes her eyes, he huffs and groans slightly before climbing into bed with her

"How was your bath?"

"Great thanks"

"You don't look like you've been in there" he mutters, she snorts and bites her lip

"I don't look wet, is that what you're saying?"

"Might be" he clicks the light off beside him, she turns around to look at him as he turns to look at her

"I might be wet in places you cant see" she whispers, her eyebrows raise causing him to moan slightly in annoyance, she really was testing him so she turns over

"Fuck you, Naylor"

"Please don't" she responds with a small laugh at the end of her words, she gasps as she feels his hand mounding her bum "Fletch"

"All you have to do is say the words..."

"I'll say two words, fuck and off" she turns and he snorts before turning over "Keep to your side and I'll keep to mine, deal?"


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