Chapter 21

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They made an exception and allowed him to stay, he was sleeping on the chair beside Jac as she turned to him, he smiled at her and then kissed her softly, she smiled against his lips. Sacha walked over to them and rolled his eyes, she lobbed her plastic cup at him as he pulled the curtain across with the ultrasound machine, she looked at him and he smiled at her as she rolled the jumper up she was wearing. Fletch took Jac's hand, she nodded at him after she spent the night telling him not to get his hopes up when he came back with some more comfortable clothes for her.

"Right, let's have a look" Sacha whispers and then rolls his eyes at Jac turning the screen around so she could do it "I may as well let her take over"

"Shut up" she mutters, Fletch laughs slightly and holds her hand, she smiles and points to the screen "Looks like it is true"

"Thats it?" Fletch whispers, she nods and he smiles at her "How far along?"

"Eight weeks" she mumbles, he laughs slightly and shakes his head "Well we definitely know when that was"

"All this time..." he chuckles and shakes his head, she looks at him and smiles as he kisses her hand "Crazy"

"Definitely" she whispers allowing Sacha to take the transducer from her "We need to talk"

"I agree" he confirms as Sacha passes her a picture, she smiles and takes it "When can she go home?"

"When you're ready" Sacha smiles, Jac nods "Take it easy ok?"

"Will do"

They went home and Jac had to laugh at Fletch telling her to go to bed and relax, she rolled her eyes at his over-protectiveness but obeyed either way. He plumped the pillows for her and he smiled at her burying herself in a blanket whilst he fussed over her. She raised an eyebrow at him giving her a glass of orange juice, he kissed her on the head as she settled down under the covers, he joined her and she curled into his body. He ran his fingers through her hair.

"We need to talk" she whispers, he nods into her head "I know this is very much a shock and...I didnt expect it, it's actually the last thing I expected and..."

"Me too" he nods "It's up to you Jac...I'll support you with whatever you need"

"I dont know what I need"

"Maybe let's start with how you feel?" he asks her, she looks at him like a rabbit in headlights "I know it's hard to say feelings sometimes but...maybe thats where we need to start"

"Yeah" she mumbles "I feel...confused I think but...I think I feel okay about the whole situation"

"What did you feel when you" he whispers, she drops her gaze and closes her eyes "Or is that question too hard?"

"I" she nods, he smiles at a tear falling from her eye, he wipes it using the pad of his thumb "We created something out of love, I'm not afraid to say it and I know you might be but...even if it wasnt gentle it was still love that we were afraid to admit"

"It's a wake-up call isnt it?"

"Yeah, yeah it is" she confirms, he laughs slightly and kisses her on the head "Do you want to keep it?"

"As we created it out of love" he whispers, she nods tearfully "Yeah, I do but if you dont then-"

"No I do, I really do" she assures him, he kisses her on the head and then softly on the lips "I love you"

"I love you too"


"What? Are you ok?!" he asks immediately looking at her, she raises an eyebrow at his panic

"I'm fine you idiot" she rolls her eyes "I was just going to say that we broke one of the rules"

"Oh shut up" he chuckles and kisses her on the head "Some rules are meant to be broken"

"This is definitely one of them"

"Now that we have established that we're a bunch of rule-breakers...shall we wipe the slate clean?"


"Now that we've settled on this new start...we're going to have to tell the kids"

"Ugh!" she complains and he chuckles slightly at her mood, she huffs "Okay fine but can we keep it a secret until we come out of lockdown?"

"I think thats a fair ask" he leans over and kisses her, she sighs and looks at him "Whatever happens, I'm going to be there every step of the way"

"As long as you're not overbearing thats fine by me"

"Well tell me when I am being overbearing and then I'll give you space, I won't push" he takes her hand before reaching over to grab the photo "I guess this baby is a miracle isnt it really?"

"It's definitely something" she states, he snorts and lies flat on his back as he looks at the photo "We are going to be ok arent we?"

"I think...we're going to be amazing," he says quietly, she nods and turns into his body "Whatever happens we have each other at the end of the day don't we?"

"Yeah...yeah we do"

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