Chapter 8

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She was angry and he knew it, unbeknownst to Fletch he woke up with his arm around Jac's middle, when she realised she immediately scrambled away and pushed him off, he didn't rouse from his sleep and in a way she was thankful for that as she didn't have the urge to argue with him. Jac showered and then got ready for work, he got up and then did the same before they sat in silence eating breakfast before heading off to work for another silent car journey. Jac avoided him at work, she was happy with that and she needed time to process what happened that morning and she knew he sensed something was up with her when they got in after.

"Right what's got you in a foul mood, three nurses you offended today-"

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed" she winces at the words she says "You"

"What about me?"

"You. You had your arm around me when I woke up" she didn't know what made her be honest, maybe it was the look he was giving her "Please don't do that again"

"Sorry" he mumbles, the atmosphere immediately turning awkward, she chews her lip and then sits on the sofa "What do you want for-"

"I'm cooking"

"Right" he nods, he looks at her, she looks at him "I'm going to...shower I think"

"I'll start on dinner" she confirms and heads into the kitchen, she hears him go up the stairs before heading to the airing cupboard and grabbing some towels, she heads upstairs and knocks on the bathroom door

"It's open"

"Are you decent?" she asks, he snorts to himself and she rolls her eyes "I'm not playing your games, there are fresh towels on the landing"

"I'm sorry" he whispers, she nods and shuffles her feet, her teeth clamping over her bottom lip "Really I am...I'll try not to do it again"

"Okay" she nods, he looks up at her, she smiles at him, he smiles back "Enjoy your shower"

"Will do" he smiles and looks over his shoulder, she looks at him before dropping her gaze and heading down the stairs causing him to sigh and rub his hands over his face

She was sitting on the sofa watching something on the TV, a tub of ice cream in her hand as she poked at it. He laughed slightly when he saw her, she smiled at him before returning her attention to the program, in a way she was thankful that he had got dressed completely because she was unsure if she would have a moment of weakness where she would actually consider kissing him or even worse. He sat down beside her with another spoon, she laughed at the audacity of him taking some of her ice cream, she rolled her eyes and looked at him, he chuckled at the chocolate ice cream on her lips so he uses his thumb to tidy it up, their eyes connecting causing her to snap out of it.

"Ok right...we need to stop this" she runs a hand through her hair, he sighs "This is-"


"Yes and it's-"


"Yes but most importantly-"

"We're struggling to keep old feelings buried," he says, she glares at him and sighs before nodding, he was surprised she relented "I'm sorry...I don't know why...I just can't help myself sometimes"

"I know...I know" she whispers and he looks at her "You're making this painfully difficult"

"I know and I'm sorry" he drops his gaze, she bites her lip and turns her head "I'm sorry, I'll try harder to not be so...I don't know...but you know what I mean"

"I do" she confirms "Thank you"

"No problem" he offers her the bowl of ice cream back, she smiles and takes it before sitting next to him "Now shall we watch something?"

"Yeah seems like a good idea" she passes the remote to him "You choose, you know my rules"

He chose something and to his surprise she fell asleep against him, her head resting on his shoulder. It had been a long day, no wonder she was tired as she was snapping at everyone, he didn't dare move as she slept against him but one wrong move and she woke. He told her to go back to sleep and she nodded tiredly before closing her eyes, he gently laid her down on the sofa and grabbed his old duvet from down the side and place it across her body, he smiled slightly at her and then headed up to bed himself. It was around two in the morning when she woke, she frowned and noticed he had tidied up and locked up for the night so she got some water and then headed upstairs, she gingerly grabbed her pyjamas from under her pillow and quickly got dressed, as it was dark she didn't realise that she had actually disturbed him and that he was watching her change until she saw the reflection of moonlight in his eyes, she gasped.

"What the fuck Fletch?" she glares, he snorts and turns over "Did you actually just watch me undress?"

"You put on a great show Naylor" he mumbles sleepily, she groans and climbs into bed "You was me thinking you weren't one for matching underwear"

"Maybe I put them on just for you" she smirks, he snorts again and lets out a laugh "You know if you look in my chest of drawers there's some skimpy shit in there-"

"Shut up otherwise all my blood will run south" he turns over and groans "Plus I thought we were going to stop all of this"

"True...we should" she confirms as she turns over so she was facing away from him "Sorry"

"Hmm I'm sorry too" he whispers, she closes her eyes "Night"

"Good night" she smiles to herself and then rubs her lips together, he turns over and she felt him do it

"By the way...that was really sexy" he whispers, she bites her lip

"Shut up Adrian" she mutters, he snorts and turns over again "Night"

"Goodnight" he whispers and closes his eyes, she does the same before taking a moment to realise her heart rate had picked up that bit more

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