Chapter 6

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She had enough, she kicked him right out of her bed when his back was better but she knew it would be a repetitive saga where he back would get injured, she would cave and then invite him back in her bed. Jac even contemplated buying him a bed but something that was once dormant stopped her, maybe she was too scared to admit she actually liked having him in her bed. Unfortunately, they had a couple of days off, she groaned in annoyance at having to be around him for so many hours of the day. It was just one of those things that she would have to deal with. Her eyes glanced over to him as he make her a cocktail, she decided it best be better than the last bitter load she tasted.

"I'm calling this one competency killer" he passes her a glass, she huffs and wondered if he should make a bid to become a mixologist instead of a nurse

"Competency killer...not sure if I like the sound of that" she comments before sipping on the glass "What the fuck is in this thing?! It has the alcohol concentration of hand sanitiser"

"It's not called competency killer for nothing...I do recommend drinking it when you're already drunk though" he grimaces as he sips on his glass before coughing "Yeah I think I'll make a tamer one-"

"Please otherwise you might actually finish off my remaining kidney" she mutters and places her glass down on the table "Where are you getting all this cheap booze from anyway?"

"Budget supermarkets, get it for Evie when she goes to parties and stuff" Fletch shrugs, Jac raises an eyebrow surprised he let her go to those "What?"

"Nothing" she shrugs, he narrows his eyes "Doesn't matter but I do need to ask you a very important question"


"Are you trying to get me drunk again?"

"Maybe" he wiggles his eyebrows, she groans again and takes the glass he was offering her

"Hallelujah! One that tastes good!" she cheers, he rolls his eyes and sits down beside her "You know...I'm concerned for you"


"Yeah" she shrugs, he narrows his eyes and frowns "I'm thinking you might be looking for a change in career"

"You'd love that" he snorts

"No I actually wouldn't" she states before finishing off her drink, did she actually just finish that entire glass in under five minutes? "Wanna know why?"

"Well I doubt it would be because you love my company" he finished his drink and then takes her glass out to the kitchen and pours her another one "Since when have we become day drinkers-"

"Because you're a great nurse and...It's five o'clock somewhere in the world" she shrugs, he laughs and sits down again and allows her to take her glass back

"I suppose when you look at it like that..." he trails off and raises his glass, "Cheers?"


They sat and spoke about everything at work, she usually didn't like speaking about it as he saw her at work and vice versa. Either way, they got onto talking about Fletch's shitty nurses - Jac's words not his. After that had done he decided to make them a slice of toast each just to soak up some of the alcohol. He returned to Jac giggling away at her phone, her glass in her other hand as she sipped away at one of his infamous lockdown cocktails. They ate their toast and he decided to stumble to the kitchen to make another one, she followed him and giggled again before taking over, using her hip to nudge him out of the way; she cackled as he almost fell over, stating that she wished she videoed it.

"Now which spirit do you...want-"

"Are you drunk Adrian?" she hums before picking up a bottle of white rum, she giggles and pours it into the cocktail shaker along with everything else she had decided to mix together "This is going to taste better than the shit you've served up this evening"

"You literally tipped an eighth of the bottle in" he groans resting his elbows on the countertop, she giggles loudly before shaking it, she gasps as the liquid spills over her white t-shirt

"Oops" she bites her lip, he bites his lip before his face contorted into a grin and he began laughing, she did too "Oh fuck off.. that's your fault"

"I was going to call that one The Naylor as well" he smirks and drinks some of the remaining liquid in the cocktail shaker "That is shit...I'm sorry but mine are way better-"

"Give it here" she demands and takes it from him, she drinks it before gagging and spitting it out

"Bitter and sharp just like you"

"Did you just try and flirt with me over a failed cocktail?" she grumbles, he smirks at her and she huffs "Here was me thinking you couldn't disappoint me more..."

"I think we should pack it in" he mumbles and slides down onto the floor, she snorts and picks up the bottle of rum on the side and joins him on the floor "We are way too old to be doing this?"

"No we're not..." she drinks from the bottle and offers it to him "Live a little Fletcher"

"You should get changed-"

"You could always help me" she slurs and rests her head against his shoulder, he snorts "All you have to do is take my t-shirt off-"

"Don't fucking tempt me" he whispers tracing patterns on her thigh, she snorted and got up off the floor, she turns away from him and takes her t-shirt off causing him to sharply suck in a breath of air

"Your loss" she mumbles and walks up the stairs, he groans and his head falls back against the cupboard

After a couple of slices of toast to sober up he headed upstairs where Jac was passed out on the bed, he chuckles at her body being played out all over the place, a blanket covering her top half, he decided to leave her to it knowing she would probably snap at him when she woke up. He got on with drunkenly tidying the kitchen, mopping the floor from their disaster cocktails, and chucking her ruined t-shirt in the wash to see if it could be salvaged. He heard the floor creak from upstairs and she padded down the stairs, her makeup smudged and her head obviously pounding so he passed her a couple of paracetamol and took some himself as he started to feel the same.

"I am never drinking again"

"I thought it was fun"

"It was fun head kills" she complains and sits down on the sofa, she pulls his duvet over her head and he laughs "It's not funny this is your fault"

"You were the one who was chucking booze down your throat" he comments "At least I paced myself-"

"Annoyingly I envy you"

"The almighty Jac Naylor envying some patronising nurse, that is something I want to be written on my epitaph"

"Adrian I am warning you, do not test me" she wags her finger, he snorts and sits on the edge of the sofa "I hate you"

"I hate you for making shit drinks" he smirks, she smirks at him before ducking down under the duvet "Do we need to get the sick bowl out-"

"Fuck off, I'm fine" she mutters and turns away from him "Now get lost and let me sleep-"

"My pleasure"

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