Batman Pj's and Best Mates

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Next chapter up. Again i own nothing. This chapter is also dedicated to CaitieColeman!

Elizabeth's Pov:

"Um hi" I said but it came out as more of a question. "Ello love" Harry replied "we are your new babysitters" he said with a smile. "Come in" I said and moved so they could enter. "Hi guys" my dad said entering the hall "thanks for this". "Its our pleasure" Harry replied. " Well were off" my parents said, I just turned and walked away without saying goodbye. I heard 5 pairs of footsteps and I looked up from the sofa to find the guys standing there with smiles. "Introduction time" Harry said " everyone has to say there name and phobia". " I will start "exclaimed Zayn " im Zayn Malik and my phobia is a breaking a mirror". " Im Niall Horan and my phobia is small spaces" Niall said with a small grin. "Im Harry Styles and my phobia is having straight hair" Harry exclaimed! ! "Im Louis Tomlinson and my phobia is not having my boo bear" said Louis hugging Harry.

There was an awkward pause where none said anything as we waited for Liam to speak. I glanced up just in time to see Harry elbow Liam in the ribs trying to get his attention.

Liam's Pov:

I waited with the others outside the door wondering what the girl looked like. When she answered the door we all went in and as she was at the front i didn't see her face. The boys all started to list their phobias and that was when i looked up. My mouth fell open, in front of me was the girl of my dreams, literally she fits the description I gave of my perfect girl and she sounds like an angel too.

I was aware of a break in the conversation but I wasn't aware I was still staring until Harry elbowed me in the ribs. "Oh sorry love, my names Liam Payne and my phobia is spoons" I said shooting her a brilliant smile. "Hi Liam" she replied with a sweet smile. "Elizabeth" Niall whined, "i'm hungry". Elizabeth chuckled and went into what i presume to be the kitchen to make some snacks. The moment she left Harry turned to me with a smirk, "what" i asked timidly. "You like her" he stated. "Yeah she seems cool" i replied playing it safe. "No you like like her" Louis joined in with a smile. "Shut up" was the reply i gave, and as Harry opened his mouth to object Elizabeth strolled back into the room with a huge pile of snacks.

"So what were you boys talking about?" she questioned taking a seat next to me. "Well you see Beth ,i'm gonna call you that now, Liam here was just saying......" Harry was cut off by a loud scream. "OMG" a redheaded girl cried "you're One Direction". Beth got up and pulled her into a hug, "Lauryn!" she scolded "don't scare them". It was then i noticed a brunette girl at the door. Beth turned to her and called "Caitie come in dont wait at the door". Caitie walked in and sat next to Niall with a blush. When Beth thought no one was looking she smirked at Caitie and raises her eyebrow, I wondered what was going on.

Elizabeths Pov:

I saw Caitie sit down next to Niall and smirked at her, Louis grabbed Lauryn and pulled her next to him with a grin "Nice pajamas" he said. It was then a look of realisation dawned onto mine, Caitie and Lauryn's faces "WERE IN OUR PJ'S" we screamed in sync. I looked down to check which ones i had on to find to my embarrassment that i had a batman crop top on with black shorts, Lauryn was in a really tight pink vest top and bright pink shorts on and Caitie was in a blue vest top with white shorts. Zayn laughed at our expressions and said "we didn't say anything cause you look cool". Me, Lauryn and Caitie glanced at each other before breaking into laughter. I stopped laughing quickly as i felt someones eyes on the back of my head and i turned to see Liam looking at me, when he saw i was looking he blushed and looked away.

"Sooooo" i said with a small smile playing on my lips "how about  a trip to the fair?"

 Well hello again. What do you think? Shout out to my best mates Lauryn and Caitie :)

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