Passed out bodies...

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Hi! Now Caities sick sooooo get well soon !

Elizabth's Pov:

After Lou's confession we gave up on truth or dare and we were now just sitting on the floor awkwardly. Harry and Lou kept trying to make eye contact with me but I ignored them, what they did was wrong. After a while Harry got up and left coming back a few seconds later with lots of alcohol. He poured a shot and downed it, he poured another and when he was question why he simply replied "to drown out my sorrows" in a slurry voice, I guess he'd had more than we originally thought. He kept drinking and no one tried to stop him, Lauryn and Caitie kept glancing at me as if to say 'you're the responsible one stop him' but I was too peed off to care.

After a while we were still in silence so Lauryn and Caitie started to do shots too with Lou joining in after. I got up and left without looking at any of them.

Liam's Pov:

I ran after Ni and found him screaming into his pillow with tears rolling down his face. I put my hand on his back and he flinched assuming it was Caitie. I told him that it was me and he calmed down and looked up at me. It was then we heard Elizabeth screaming at Lou telling him how stupid he was. I heard Ni chokeing back tears so did something I wouldn't ordinarily do , I stood up and pulled hi into a hug, while whispering into his ear that he shouldn't worry and that everything will be okay. He pulled back, looked me in the eye and said "Li the love of my life just kissed my best friend and to make it worse they were both sober", "not anymore" I heard a voice say from the door. We glanced to our left to say a peed off Elizabeth in the doorway.

"Hey" she said "can I come in?" Niall nodded and she came and sat next to us on the bed, she put her arm around Niall and hugged him. "What did you mean 'not any more' " Niall asked her, "I was ignoring them so in the end I guess Harry started to feel sorry for himself and poured himself a drink. Now as far as I know their all down there getting drunk". "Wait why are you mad at lauryn and Caitie" I asked with a frown, "they didn't even care about the whole situation Li they just sat there" she muttered with a mad look. She turned to Niall and hugged him again, "try and sleep Niall" she said moving out of the way as he got into bed. "Night Ni" I said leaving his room and turning off the light "night guys" he called back before closing his eyes.

Elizabeth's Pov:

We walked down stairs and the phone rang, it stopped after 5 seconds and we heard Lauryn say "HEY SECOND MUM HEY SECOND DAD", "my parents" I mouthed to Liam and walked into the living room. It was really quiet and I turned to see everyone except Lauryn and Lou passed out on the floor. I heard Lauryn say the words "party and make out and drunk" before I ran to the phone and wrestled the phone form them. Putting it to my ear I took a deep breath and said "hey guys, don't listen to Lauryn she's had 12 packets of skittles and so has Lou they were playing dares again sorry", my parents laughed and replied with "typical Lauryn" ,they said that they may be away for longer but that they had put more money into my bank and that they loved me. I returned the saying and hung up the phone with a sigh. "What did they say" Liam asked so close that I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, "they totally fell for it Li" I said with a deep sigh "thank god" he replied hugging me. I felt so safe I didn't want to move but Liam got a text so had to pull away to reach his phone. He looked down and what he read made my blood run cold......... Simon was on his way over!

We looked at each other and without saying a word ran in opposite directions. Liam grabbed Louis now unconscious body and carried hi upstairs to the boys room, Lauryn went up after him and fell asleep in the girls room, Zayn woke up and went to bed. Liam was still dealing with Lou and I looked down at Hazza. I grimaced there was no way that I could carry him, as I was debating my dilema the doorbell rang, Liam ran down the stairs and saw Harry I gestured for him to answer the door and hid Harry's unconscious body behind the sofa in the small gap between the sofa and the unit. I prayed to god he would'nt wake.

Liam hesitantly brought Simon in and I nodded to show that the cost was clear. The first thing Simon asked was the dreaded question "where are the boys?", "uhhh asleep" I stuttered "they were really tired, but me and Liam have been drinking fizzy drinks all night so we can't sleep" I said lying through my teeth. "Okay then" Simon said giving me a weird look "I will just tell you and you can tell the boys tomorrow okay" Simon asked Liam and me. "sure what's up" we said without missing a beat. "well I should of told you sooner but tomorrow the boys have a small concert and signing to attend, the girls will come to but it will take all morning". Liam sighed but replied "sure text me the details". Simon got up, said his goodbyes and the minute we closed the door I turned to Liam and said "you know how Hazza always says that were really mature and not fun, well we should prank Harry" Liam walked over to him and slapped him hard round the face and drew on a fake moustache.

We went to bed but as I went to lay down I saw that the girls were covering the floor. I sighed and left the room I heard footsteps behind me and froze "it's just me Elizabeth"Liam wisprd into my ear "the boys have covered the whole room" he said. I turned to him and told him that the girls had too. I had an idea and pulled him outside with both of us lumbering lots of blankets and pillows behind us. I shoved the stuff up the tree in my back garden and claimed the hidden ladder with Liam hot on my trail. I opened the secret hatch and Liam and me climbed in he looked around with his mouth largley agape "what is this place" he asked in shock. "Welcome to never land Li, well no not neverland just my secret tree house I built ages ago, you like?" Liam nodded and we set up camp.

Liam's Pov:

I was in the best tree house EVER! It was really stylish and looked like it came from a fairytale. I saw that Elizabeth was shivering slightly and pulled her close, holding her tight. 'You know I like this' I thought 'having her this close, protecting her  from harm' NO BAD LIAM STOP! I remember her thanking me for keeping her warm, placing a kiss on her forehead and muttering good night before I fell into a deep sleep. After what seemed only 10 minutes but must of been hours we heard a yell and shot out of the covers we peeked down from the tree to see Hazza yelling our names and running upstairs. We turned to each other and laughed "MATURE BY BUM" Beth said and we burst into hysterics it was then we heard the patio door open and Harry call out "I know your'e out here" we turned to each other.............................'OH POO'

Hi guys! soooooooo Liam and Elizabeth are sick of being responsible and Harry may well have to wear a fake moustache for a while ;) xxxx

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