Love is in the air (Part 1)

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Hey gurl hey

Elizabth's Pov;

We pulled a laughing Lauryn out of the wardrobe and I dragged her to her room (yes she has her own room in my house). "Calm down boo" I said trying to restrain Lauryn who was currently trying to do a back flip off the wall, "why were you in Louis room anyway" I asked dreading the answer, "wellllllll you see Lou brought himself some skittles and he wouldn't share and hid them in his room, when he was busy I snuck into his room and ate all the skittles it was then I noticed how much Lou's wardrobe looked like the one in Narnia so I climbed inside but Mr Tumbnus wouldn't let me in" she concluded beginning to cry. | sighed, picked Lauryn up by the hood of her jacket dragged her to her shower turn the water on freezing and threw her in fully dressed. She was so hyper she started to splash screaming "BATH TIME". I locked the door behind me and stood outside the door for 10 minutes before I heard "BETH YOU POO LET ME OUT IM NOT HYPED ANYMORE IM JUST COLD", at the sound oh his girlfriend's screaming Lou wandered in and asked why Lauryn was stuck in her bathroom. "To sober her up" I replied sweetly leaving Lou to deal with an angry Lauryn.

Louis's Pov:

I opened Lauryn's bathroom door and before I could say anything a hand flew out and slapped my face so hard I fell to the ground. "OMG BOO" Lauryn said "i'm so sorry I thought you were Beth" she ran to her bathroom to get me a cold flannel for my red face. "Second time this week" I grumbled getting up, I soon felt a cold sensation on my stinging cheek and took the flannel from Lauryn. I kissed Lauryn on the nose and asked if she would come shopping with me to get some food. We pulled up and Lauryn asked why we were here again "cause someone stole my skittles" I said with a pout immediately Lauryn looked away guiltily and said slowly "whatttttt whoooooo". I glanced down at her "I know it was you babe your just lucky your too adorable to be mad at" I said hugging her. We turned into the sweet isle and I turned to Lauryn "wait here ill be rigght back, grab me some skittles would you?". I had no intention of going back and ran to my car. I pulled up outside the house and texted Lauryn "follow the clues I <3 you".

Lauryn's Pov:

I saw Louis's text and rolled my eyes I reached out to get some skittles and nnoticed a note stuck underneath them, it was a page of directions! I followed them and found myself at a dress shop, I walked in an the assistant asked if I was Lauryn, I told her I was and she gave me another note it read "pick out any dress price is not a problem babe it's on me-Louis" I ended up choosing a pale pink strapless dress and as I left I was given more directions, I pulled up to a jewler's and again I was told to choose things. It went on and on and I must of been  about an hour and a half before I got the last clue to go home.......... this should be interesting !

                                           (while Lauryn is on the trail)

Lou's Pov:

I ran inside and pulled  Mr tumbnus life size figure out of the boot, I carried it in and threw it at Beth "you have two hours to make Narnia in the basement" I said breathlesssly "how in god's name will I do it in 2 hours" she asked with a sigh "ill help Bee" Liam said from the door I thanked them and went to go get ready.......

  Elizabeth's Pov:

We began setting up Narnia and about half an hour in Liam left to go get supplies, I finished putting down the cotton wool we had found in the bathrooms and put the Mr Tumbnus on top. I then made a picnic and put it next to the lamp from the study. Liam walked in with cans off fake snow and we covered the walls in plastic before spraying them well. By the time we had finished it looked perfect! As we left the room leaving only the lamp on I heard a knock at the door, I ran to it and found my est mate forever there "ALICEEEEEEEEEEE" I screamed hugging her "I missed you".

I led Alice into the kitchen where zayn sat "Zayn what are you doing here" I asked, "got bored" he siad without taking his eyes off Alice, all I can say is love is in the air! Alice looked at me then at Zayn and said "excuse us please" she dragged me into the hall and said "whoisthat?heisreallyhot!OMGwhat'shisname" I looked at her in surprise "Alice do you really not know" I said , I didn't get it she loved Zayn Malik she had for ages ,"well he kinda looks like Zayn" she said "but what would he be doing in your house" she laughed and walked back into the kitchen 'strange girl' I thought with a smile. Zayn asked if we wanted to watch a film I declined but Alice agreed in the end they decided to watch Les Mis, the film started and Alice was shivering so Zayn pulled her close and kept her warm. Satisfied she was in good hands or should I say arms I left.

Just then Lauryn walked in "go get ready" I yelled pulling her upstairs "you have half an hour" ,she squealed and ran into her room to get dressed. I knocked on Lou's door to tell him Narnia was ready and stopped in shock because 'LOUIS TOMLINSON WAS IN A SUIT AND, WEARING BLACK MATCHING SOCKS! I took him downstairs and showed him how to work the lights ,he loved it. He followed me to Lauryn's room and I knocked she came out and Lou said "you look beautiful babe" he held out his arm and led her down to the basement she got to the door and saw the lamp "oh" she said with a smile Louis turned to her and said with a smile "welcome to Narnia Boo"........

To be continued.....................

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