Chapter 17: After Care

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Mina's POV

I wake up with my head pounding but I'm relieved to see I'm in the comfort of my bed. Who took me home? I notice I've been changed into my silk pajamas. My heart sinks. Did that girl get to me?

I run out because I hear someone cooking in the kitchen. Please don't be her...

"Good morning"

Babe? I'm never drinking again seriously.

"About time you wake up" his voice is serious. Not again.

"I'm sorry I should have told you I was going out babe"

"Yes. You should have. Not only that but I get a phone call at 3 AM from your dad's new doctor to come to your place and I find you knocked out and wasted?"

Dad's new doctor? Nayeon? Was she the one who took me home?

"What did we talk about babe? I thought I told you not to drink at all. Going out without permission is one thing but getting drunk is a whole new level Mina

What if someone saw you? What would that make me look like? I'm dating some dirty drinking whore?"

I look down at the ground. My head hurts, my stomach is empty, and it's early in the morning. I don't want to do this right now. He's always like this.

"I'm sorry" is all I can croak out.

"That's it? God, so pathetic. I don't know why I'm still with you. Just eat."

He aggressively slides a bowl of stew to me. Despite having no appetite after Seungkwan's lecture I swallow the food because I know he'll yell at me for being ungrateful if I don't.

"Yes. She's up now. She'll be okay. Thank you again for last night, I really owe you one big time.

Haha. Take care Nayeon."

So it was Nayeon who took me home last night. She was here, in my apartment. She took care of me. I smile at my half-eaten bowl of stew. She's always taken care of me.

I should really thank her.

"Babe, can you give me Nayeon's number?"

"Why?" he says sternly

"I just want to thank her properly"

"At least you have a few manners. I'll share it with you. Look I have to get going I have rehearsals. Love you"

He rushes out the door as my phone dings with Nayeon's contact info.


Nayeon's POV

[Flashback of Last Night]

I find Mina's keycard in her wallet and unlock the door. It was such a pain getting here. Both elevators were out of order so I was forced to take the stairs. Who would have thought I'd spend my night carrying a world-class ballerina up 100 flights of stairs to her luxurious 50th-floor penthouse overlooking the Han River?

I continue to carry Mina bridal style in my arms as I make my way to her bed. I take my time laying her down as gently as possible despite my aching back. I take her bathroom trashcan and put it next to her bed.

I then get to the kitchen to heat up a bowl of warm water and get a towel. After soaking the towel in the heated water I gently lay it across her forehead.

I slide open her walk-in closet. Geez. Her wardrobe is filled with designer outfits, jewelry, and shoes. She's so humble I forget how rich she is sometimes. I shyly rummage for a pair of pajamas to change her into.

We used to have sleepovers all the time, it's perfectly normal to change your old friend. I feel my hands shake as I slowly strip Mina. My face burns red up to my ears when I see her laced red lingerie.

Oh dear god.

As much as I just wanted to stare at her perfect body I know I would regret it and Mina deserves respect. I quickly slip on her pajamas. I text Jeongyeon asking for Seungkwan's number.

Funny how the second contact I'm ever adding to my phone is Mina's boyfriend. The universe really hates me huh.

While I wait I take this opportunity to simply stare at Mina. The bedside lamp casts a warm glow on her. She's still so beautiful even when sleeping. I count her moles and gaze across all her features.

I have an overwhelming desire to just touch her face and kiss her, but I hold back. No Nayeon. She has a boyfriend. You're just a friend. Can we even consider ourselves friends? She didn't even tell me about Kazuha back then.

Ugh. It's been 8 years Nayeon get over it and move on. She's clearly moved on. But I can't. I've been stuck and I'll probably be stuck forever.

Jeongyeon finally texts me back with Seungkwan's info and I call him. When I get off the phone Mina starts to rustle a little.


"Hey hey just go back to sleep"


"Because you deserve some rest--"

"Why did you have to go? You should have never left"

I go silent. Her voice sounds so sad, I feel my heart tug. She's just drunk don't pay her words any attention Nayeon.

"I- I missed you so much"

I freeze and feel my stomach leap. No no. Don't get ahead of yourself, she's just saying nonsense right now.

"I've been, I've been waiting for you. I waited for you all this time and you don't even pay attention to me"

She starts to sniffle and pout like a baby. If she were sober my heart would be through the roof but I only feel more heartbroken since she's just spitting out drunk thoughts.

I wipe her eyes to prevent her tears from falling.

"Why did you have to dance with that stupid guy? He's not even cute"

I let out a laugh. I never knew she becomes a baby when she's drunk.

"Shh shh go to sleep Mina"

"I don't want to~ Why did you stop calling Minaya"

She starts to bawl. Oh god.

"Y- you're the only one who called me Minaya and now you stopped"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'll keep calling you Minaya"

She breaks her crying and just blinks at me innocently. Her mouth is still formed into a tiny pout.

"I promise Minaya

I'm sorry for making you wait so long I'm here now alright? Go to sleep and I'll watch you so you have all my attention paboya"

She falls back asleep without a peep. So cute. I hear the front door open and Seungkwan rushes in.

"I'm so sorry about her. Thank you so much Nayeon."

"It's really no problem. Everyone deserves to have some fun. I don't mind. I'll let you take it from here though"

"You're amazing Nayeon, get home safe."

[End of Flashback]

I enter the breakroom to collapse in a chair and slip my phone out of my scrub pocket. There's a 2 missed calls from the same unknown number, luckily whoever it is left a voicemail.

"Hey, Nayeon it's me... Mina. Gosh I'm so embarrassed. You're probably busy at work right now. If you're free sometime please let me repay you for what you had to do last night. This is my personal cell so just call or text me back"

I feel a smile tug all across my face. She's still a dork.

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