Chapter 28: Happy

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Nayeon's POV

In my opinion, confessions should reflect the nature and depth of one's feelings.

I knew that maybe someday, sometime in the far far future, if the time was right, I would confess to Mina. I always imagined it to be a spectacular romantic gesture. I wanted it to be something you would see in the movies. I wanted to showcase my love in all its fullness properly.

A sliver of my mind was ready to let Mina go. That's why I was in Daegu in the first place. I'm supposed to be moving on. Carrying on with my life. Let my feelings for Mina go. That was the plan anyway.

Unfortunately, my life has never gone as planned.

Hearing and witnessing all of Mina's frustrations towards me really opened my eyes. I was unfair to her. I always thought that what I was doing was what Mina needed, but I never once stopped to think from her side.

I'm really glad to know Mina cares for me. She wants me in her life. I want her in mine.

My mind battled with itself as every nerve-wracking clack of her heel got closer and closer to the exit, but the moment I heard the door creak open I knew. I knew couldn't let her go.

So here I am. Pouring my heart out to the person that has become my life. Part of me is relieved that I no longer have to carry the burdening secret of my love, but I am also pissing my pants scared of how Mina will react. But really, I have nothing to lose.

"What?" is her initial reaction

"Are you really going to make me say it again?"

She stands in the doorframe. I've never seen her face like this before. I can't read her eyes at all. They speak of so many emotions, yet I can't pick out a single one. All I know is she wasn't expecting this to be my secret.

"I love you Mina, I have always loved you"

"Really...?" the pitch of her voice curves up, it's almost as if there's a trace of hope.

I don't think I can say the three magic words again so I simply nod instead. My entire interior is panicking. My body is definitely going haywire, but I mask it for the sake of Mina.

"How long?"

Her question catches me off guard. What is the curiosity for? If she's going to reject me, she should just cut to the chase to stop my heart's current abnormal beating pattern.

"Since high school, before I even left for America"

I study her face closely. There's an unexpected spark in her eyes. The way her eyebrows raise the slightest bit and how her mouth parts, leaving the tiniest margin between her lips. She doesn't say anything.

"I'm sorry Minaya... it's all my fault for falling for you. I knew that you and Kazuha were secretly dating yet--"

"Kazuha?? What are you talking about?"

"Huh? Yeah, you and Kazuha. I saw you kissing her after your ballet."

It doesn't take a genius to read Mina's face. She's in complete disbelief. But why? Don't tell me...

"Nayeon, I never dated Kazuha."

What an idiot I am.

"She was confessing her feelings. She kissed me and asked me out, but I rejected her"

Why on earth would she reject Kazuha? They looked like a great pair. Mina was always smiling when she was her during rehearsals and they're both good looking and talented. I thought they would be a great pair.

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