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WARNING: This is a PREVIEW OF BOOK 2 JUDGEMENT From A Series of Beauty...

(in progress)



Naila and I were asleep already by 6:30 pm, she had been having backaches, and I was exhausted building the crib and shelving for the bookcase we put in the closet, as shelves for our son's clothes. Not to mention, folding the bags on bags and cutting off tags of the clothes we bought and received from our quick baby shower.

"Dillion!" Naila screamed waking me up.

"What's wrong?" I said sitting up.

"The baby is coming!" She said throwing the blanket off of me.

I sat up more, she was already dressed and her hair up.

"And you're barely waking me now? Did your water break?"

"No, I just gushed loads of pee earlier," She said sarcastically, "Yes I did! But the contractions are getting close, which means I am going into labor. I tracked them, and this isn't false, I feel it,"

I sprung out of bed quickly getting dressed and grabbing the birth bag, and our phones, holding her purse. She wailed and sat on the bed breathing heavily.

"Naila," I went by her side and she grabbed my hand which she squeezed hard. "Breath slow, you got this, easy," We stayed like that for a few seconds. She nodded her head and stood up.

"I'm good, we can go," I helped her out and into the car.

I buckled her seat belt, protecting more of the bump too. I sped off to the hospital she wanted to go to. I dialed Bo, and he answered sleepily.

"Dill, it's 5 in the morning," He yawned.

"Naila is going into labor! I don't care it's 5 in the morning, get your ass to the hospital as soon as you can, please," Naila screamed breathing hard and short, another contraction, bigger this time.

"Okay, I'll come later in the morning so you both can enjoy the experience,"

"Text the other guys, they can come later," I hung up and pulled up to the curb right outside.

I quickly came out and opened her door, helping her out. Two nurses rushed outside. Another with a wheelchair.

"She's going into labor," I said and they helped sit her down in the wheelchair.

"We'll take her straight to labor and delivery," I quickly got her purse and handed it to her.

"I'll be right there," I said kissing her head and they rolled her in.

She was having another contraction. I quickly found a parking spot and grabbed the delivery bag and ran to the hospital, I took the stairs to the floor of the labor and delivery, with no time to wait for the damn elevator. I came up to the front desk. The nurse there looked at me crazy, I was panting.

"Hi, my wife just rolled in here from nurses, she's in labor, Naila Harris," I said and she quickly looked up the name.

"Go through these doors, when they open and she'll be in the delivery room, 134C,"

I went to the doors and she buzzed them open, I quickly went to the room told. Naila was laying in a hospital bed, doing her breathing as she learned. I set the bag on the chair.

"I'm here," She smiled at me and relaxed, contracting over.

"Contractions are coming," I kissed her head.

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