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WARNING: this is a boyxboy story. If you don't approve of same-sex love please move along.

Thank you!





Xander came back. I smiled when he came and sat at the edge of my bed.

"Aaron is awake and is okay." He said.

"Great. I'm glad. Now, Lucan needs to."

"He will don't worry." I nodded. "Have you eaten?"

"Yes, the nurse just took the stuff back." He nodded.

"Mom and dad are at work. They'll come later. They promised me that they would." I nodded and shrugged. My parents are barely home anyway.

"And Josie?" Josie is our little sister.

"At a sleepover. She doesn't know what happened. I rather not have her freak out when she's having fun."

"Oh. Well of course." I would love to have Josie with me. I know Josie has been waiting for this sleepover so, it's okay.

"Hunter?" My brother and I looked at the door. It was Aaron.

"Aaron!?" He smiled weakly and held the pole to the water bag or whatever that was. He winced in pain and my brother went and help him to the chair.

"Thank you." My brother smiled In response to a welcome.

"Aaron! What are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"My room was boring after my buddies left so I took the chance to come to see you."

"Thanks, Aaron. You didn't have to."

"Yes, I did. I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry that what happened, happened."

"No. No one knew it was going to happen. I'm so thankful we're all okay."

His face fell into this very painful look. Tears poured down his face. My brother went over to him and bent down to check on him. He wrapped an arm around him and Aaron poured tears on my brother. Xander comb his hair with his hand and rubbed his back. It looked so cute and sweet about my brother. But at the same time, it was weird. That would be funny if they got together. It'd be nice to have Aaron as a part of my family. Xander and he as my brothers with Lucan would be so awesome. Aaron continued crying. I felt bad. He looks strong. He's a softy.

"Aaron, what's the matter?" My brother asked him when Aaron seemed a little calm.

"I don't want to lose my baby brother." Aaron sniffled and my brother wiped his tears. I see how close he is to Luz. It just makes me hurt more.

"Lucan will make it. I know he won't leave you." I told him reassuringly. He nodded sadly.

"Hey. It's okay. Would you like to see him?" Xander asked.

"Yes! I can't. I'm not allowed." Aaron frowned big.

"What if you can but no one has to know?" Xander asked lowly.

I cocked a brow and Xander looked over at me with a sneaky smug look. I rolled my eyes. I know that look anywhere. Aaron thought deeply. He took a shaky breath and swallowed hard.

"Okay. Let's do this." Aaron said a bit nervously.

"Don't come to me when you get caught, Xander." Aaron looked at me and I smiled sheepishly.

"He said we won't so we better," Aaron said cold and my brother gulped.

"No. We won't."

"I'll take a nap while you're off being rebels." I got comfortable.

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