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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

READ with caution, you have been warned

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I was back at the hospital, doing physical therapy for my arm, been a week since I was back home. I was adjusting from being months at the hospital because of the accident, which still haunts me but we won't speak about it.

Dr. Harrison was checking my arm, he is Hunter's uncle. It's amazing how Hunter has family members within the medical field, saving lives.

"You're arm is healing as it should just keep it easy, no lifting anything, the usual." I nodded, as he was putting a new patch on my shoulder.

"Sure, thing, thanks. Have you seen Hunter?"

"No, but I am aware of how he is progressing, he is fine, he actually will go back to school this Monday,"

"Really? Oh, that's cool! I am glad," He nodded.

He continued wrapping my shoulder. I was all set. We said bye and he told me to wait for a nurse, they were going to give me more bandages for my arm. Aaron came with me but he went to find Dr. Wellington, Hunter's cousin. Nurse Rose came in and I smiled.

"Hello, Nurse Rose, talked to Hunter lately?" I teased and she gave a smile.

"Yes, I heard your arm is good," I nodded. She put the sling on my arm and handed me the bag where my wraps are. "I just inputted a refill for your medicine, so tell your brother it should be ready for pick up in two hours,"

"I will, thanks, Nurse Rose,"

"You're free to go, we will see you in two weeks unless you have pain and feel like coming in,"

"See you Nurse, Rose!" I walked out of the room, I texted Aaron I was done and to meet me at the lobby. I started making my way there, I pressed the elevator. I smiled as I went in.

"Lucan," I pressed the lobby button.

"Hey, how's your daughter?"

"Good just saw her, but, I have work," I nodded.

"May I see her sometime?" He glanced at me.

"Sure, you can, she likes you, it'll make her happy. Thank you for wanting to see her,"

"Of course! She's adorable, I can't wait to see her,"

"Well, I can give you my number and we can arrange for you to see her,"

"That'd be cool," I pulled out my phone and made a new contact, I handed it to him and he inputted his number. He handed it back when the elevator door opened.

"Text or call when you feel like seeing her, have a good one,"

He walked out and I walked out after him, I sat in one of the lobby chairs waiting for Aaron, it felt like ages. He soon came, 30 minutes after I texted him.

"FINALLY!" I exclaimed standing up.

He rolled his eyes and we went to my mom's car we borrowed since he doesn't have his new one...yet.


"Yeah, but, what took you so long? Did you find Dr. Wellington?"

"I did,"


"Nothing, Luca,"

"Aaron, you took the whole time I was being checked, in therapy, and rebandaging my arm, not to mention a 30-minute wait, so tell me." He made a right and stopped at the light.

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