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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

-sexual activity may be present

READ with caution, you have been warned

Thank you




I was helping Josie with her homework while Xander helped Hunter with something. He was gotten better since being home and will go back to school in a few days as well. I was watching her write her spelling words five times, she had a total of 10, and that's a lot to write five times. Her handwriting was so cute but really messy.

Xander came back down, smiled at her, and winked at me. I grinned.

"I am all done with my homework, Zor." She said putting everything away in her backpack.

"Good, you can go play if you want." She smiled and went to her room, or at least I think.

I pulled out my phone waiting for Xan to come back, where ever he went. I got a message from Blake saying if I'm available to be on watch tonight. I texted him saying I was with Xander right now and could see if I can go.

Blake: Lmk, if not I'll tell Zak we have to reschedule our date.

Me: Oh, a date huh?

Blake: Yes, a date

Me: Go on your date, bro. I'll come to watch over tonight.

Blake: Thanks, man. Everyone else got plans or will come later in the night.

Me: gotcha, who is there now?

Blake: Me, Bottie, Ryder, and Dillion.

Me: And Miles?

Blake: With his bf, taking care of him at his place apparently. Also, dealing with some shit for Aaron. He can't.

Me: And the others are doing what later on?

Xander came in and I glanced up, he smiled at me, then raised a brow noticing my expression. I put my phone in my pocket.

"Everything, alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I have to be on um, watch tonight." He ohed and looked away.

"That's fine, I know it is important."

"I'm sorry, I know you wanted to have me over." He came up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"You can always come over, you know that." I gave a small smile and pecked his lips. He kissed me back.

"Well, for the next couple of hours, what should we do?"

"We can watch some tv until I need to get Hunt and Josie some dinner."

"Can we cuddle too?" He chuckled,

"That can be done too," We walked into the tv room. 

He turned on the tv and we sat. I leaned against him as his arm was around me.


I shut the door and walked to the meeting area in the house. Blake was there.

"Hey, thanks again, man." We bro hugged.

"You're looking sharp tonight, what's the occasion, ballroom dancing?" He chuckled shaking his head.

"Zean is in the lock-up room, the other men are in the cellar. Have fun, tv shows the cameras, you can change it if you want."

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