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WARNING: this is a boyxboy story. If you do not approve move along.

Thank you





Something felt wrong. But, what? Right, my eyes are closed! I opened my eyes and I saw a breathe taking view. The lake was so beautiful. The water glistened. I heard birds. I ruffled the grass and laughed.

"Aw, I love your laugh." I looked up and yelped. It was the guy from before. Who called me dollface?

"You." He gave me a confused look and sat down. He handed me a blanket.

"I got your blanket since you're cold. We can swim later."

He opened the picnic bag I didn't seem to notice before and pulled out a sandwich. Smoked ham, cheese, lettuce, thin-sliced tomato, little bacon, cucumbers, and pickles. I bet it has dressing. My fav sandwich, weird I know. He took a bite and I gasped.

"That's mine!" I said without thinking and took the sandwich from him and stuffed it in my mouth like a child. He laughed at me.

"Yours is in the bag babe. Hahaha. You're so cute."

He shook his head with a smile and looked for the other sandwich. I had a confused face. Babe? Huh? Does he think I'm so cute? Wait, what? He took a bite of the other sandwich. Exactly like mine.

"Hey!" I whined without thinking and went to grab it. I don't like other people eating my fav sandwich I guess. He pulled the sandwich away before I got it.

"You took mine so eat. Yours is mine now so ha, eat up baby." I cocked a brow and smiled shyly. "I'm sorry. I'll stop calling you that." He blushed slightly. I smiled.

"It's fine." there was wind now. Cold. I shivered and he saw. He laughed and put the blanket around me.

"I bought you it for a reason, Lucan. To be warm." He shot me a warm beautiful smile and looked into my eyes. I felt my cheeks go red. Weird. He pecked my cheek and went back to eating.


I woke up with a dumbfounded expression. I felt cold on my left side but my right was warm. Aaron started snoring. I glanced at him with a small smile. I heard talking and saw the guys were asleep too. Ah, so cute eh? I should go see Hunter. When I blinked my eyes got heavy. Hmm, maybe later. I fell back to sleep leaning my head on Aaron's shoulder.


The wind was smooth. As it passed over me I felt relaxed.

"Lucan....?" I looked over at him.

"Yeah?" He popped up on his elbow. We were laying down looking at the sky.

"Nothing. I just love saying your name." I looked at him confused again, like before and his smile widen. We went back to looking at the sky.

"Luca...Luca...Luca...." What? I opened my eyes to find myself... In nowhere. "Luca...Luca...Luca wake up." The voice said. But I am, aren't I? I felt like I was being shaken but no hands were on me. I shook my head.


I jumped up and screamed. I shot my eyes open ready to take down anything. Instead, I laughed...

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