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WARNING: This is a boyxboy story. If any reader dislikes these stories please go to another story. No hate comments welcome.

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"So you're saying that you left me here alone ?" I heard a similar voice speak but I didn't know from who or where. "Why!? I can't believe you! I hate you! You always do this to me dimshit." Wow someone has a bad temper. I tried opening my eyes but they wouldn't budge. Ugh! "No! Hell no! Fuck you. Tell the old man it's your fault."

The damn fellow that's hurting my head! Maybe take it outside? Don't yell in a person's room while sleeping and in the hospital like sheesh. I finally opened my eyes. I blinked a couple of times and took a deep breath. I heard faint weeping. Who's crying over me now? I am fine!

"Hello?" I said groggily. I heard movement and sniffles.

"Lucan, you're awake. Please don't freak out." The voice said in a crying tone.

"Because you're crying?"

"What? No, I sneezed a couple of times. It's just you're going to freak out and they'll have to put you to sleep again."

"Wait a minute! You're him aren't you!?" I asked.

"I don't get why you say that. I'm just someone to watch over you. You keep freaking out when you see me and I just wanna know why." I heard him sniffle.

"I see you in my dreams and you're real that's why. I'm sorry it's just freaky and it scares me." 

It was silent. I heard footsteps. I saw him again but this time nothing happened. I saw his skin tone go perfectly with the moonlight. It was dim in my room, not like it was a bother.

"Lucan, right? the nurse told me it."

"Y-yeah." He came closer.

My heart began beating faster. He could tell because of the stupid monitor!

"Calm down please I don't want to be the fault of you almost dying again." I giggled. That's stupid.

"O-okay. Sorry." He came to the foot of my bed.

"My name is King."

"King?" I asked confused.

"Everyone calls me King."

"Oh. What's your real name?" I'm now curious.

"My real name?" He asked flatly.

"Yeah. Like the one you were born into, what your parents named you." He gave an expressionless face. No surprise there.

"Um. Everyone calls me King." I rolled my eyes.

"You know my name and you try scaring me in my dreams so the least you could do is tell me your full name." He looked at me dumbfounded.

"No one speaks to me like that." He clenched his teeth.

"I just did. Tell me your name."

"No. I told it's King and that's all you're getting."

"Fine. I hope you die on the way home. LEAVE!" He scoffed.

"For what? Because I don't tell you my name?" I was getting mad. It's not because of his name it's because he is a jerk.

"No. Just leave!"

"Greyson." He said coldly.


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