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This is a boyxboy story. If any reader who doesn't approve please move to another story.

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"We don't keep close anymore...we fall faster apart...you keep on leaving me...when will you see that you can't get away from me...our love is impossible to break from...you can't get enough..so why try to run..." strums of the guitar.

My eyes were blinded by a bright light. It fades away after my attempts of blinking more than 10 times. Thank goodness! I rub my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. My air got caught up in my throat. It was breathtaking! It took mine away. It was such a beautiful sight, I was laying a few feet away from a waterfall. The sound of the water was perfect! I took a deep breath.

"It's a pretty view huh?" I jumped out of my skin in fright.

"Ah!" I flinched.

"Are you okay? Why so jumpy?" I looked to my right and I saw him, again. He was holding a guitar. Ah, so that's where I heard music before the light. Why him?...again.

"You." was the only thing I said.

Why does he keep popping into my dreams all of a sudden!? Why life why!? He is true. He was there in Aaron's room. Oh please don't be telling me this is something that will happen.

"Me? What about me ?" He looked at me with a concerned expression and worry.

"You. You keep popping up!" He chuckled.

"Popping up? Luca, be serious for once. What's going on with you today? Don't you like your surprise?"

"No. I mean yes, no, I don't know! Leave me alone." He placed his strings down and came closer to me.

"Luca, you are scaring me. What's gotten into you?" A cold wind passed by and I shivered then answered him. Stupid wind! I hate the cold! "You're getting cold again. Here." He took his jacket off and put it on me while rubbing my arms and holding me. Surprisingly enough I stayed still. I would've shoved him off but I didn't. Why? "Better?" he asked concerned.

"Much better," I responded feeling my cheeks heat up when he kissed my neck. I giggled like the idiot I am.

"I love when you giggle baby boy." When he called me that I melted. He loves when I giggle?

"T-thanks." It was still windy and being near the waterfall made me colder than asked.

"Let's get going." I nodded without hesitating and stood up. Only to find myself falling on my face.

Back to darkness again...


I jumped up from my bed. Why in the hell is this guy keep coming into my dreams!? Or nightmare? UGH! I shook my head and got a major pain afterward.

"Ah!" I laid back down. Well, that was a bad move. I closed my eyes hoping for the pain to go away already.

"Just relax." I shot my eyes open and saw a doctor. I relaxed and closed my eyes again.

"Is that better?" He asked and I sighed in relief.

"Yes. Much better, thanks." I replied.

"My pleasure. What's your name son?"

"Lucan Pierce." I opened my eyes and saw the doctor's dark green eyes staring at me.

"What a unique name Lucan. How do you feel?"

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