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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

-sexual activity may be present

READ with caution, you have been warned

Thank you




I pulled up to the House, I was able to borrow mom's car. I haven't prepared but I know rage will take over me so it doesn't matter. I opened the door, it's always open when the guys are there. No one was there, unusual. I walked around the first floor, no sign of anyone, unusual. I know the basement is cleared because the men are with Silenne. I hope at least Miles is up with Rory, I knew he got sick when they took Zean in.

I heard noises. I looked to where it came from, what was that? It was coming from a closed door, locked and bolted. I undid the locks and swung the door open. Zean looked at me and screamed. I yelled too because he did.

"Aaron, shit, hold on I was able to shower they unlocked the bathroom,"

"Oh my fuck," I shielded my eyes. He was naked drying himself off.

"Sorry, I didn't know you'll be coming, I just got back here," I looked at him, he had underwear and a shirt on now.

"Just now?"

"No, I've been here a while, but I napped, Kaylie issued me a bed until your arrival, didn't expect it to be so quick,"

"Kaylie? Why is SHE involved?"

"You didn't know?" I furrowed my brows together. "Oh, you didn't, how sad,"

"Shut up, Zean,"

"Make me? Oh, and how's your brother and the other kid huh? I spared their lives with yours that day,"

"You caused them pain, asshole!" I clench my hands in a fist. He smiled, which made me madder.

"I did nothing to cause that, I killed the man that did, you should thank me then give your anger out on me," he smirked evilly.

"Exactly, you knew it was me yet you did nothing but helped him! You caused my baby brother so much pain! Because of you, he may never play the sport he loves!"

"Sorry, but, that wasn't me." I got on him and punched his face.


"Aaron!" I glanced at the door, it was Ryder and his girlfriend.

"YOU! When did you plan to tell me you brought her in here!? You disobeyed the rule!" I stormed up to him, he got scared, and he put his arm out to protect Kaylie.

"She did it herself, I am sorry, but she's been helping!"

"You fucked up, Ryder, you have any idea what this means!? She's seen shit,"

"Xander and Hunter were here, their sister! And Zak! What's the difference?"

"Xander and his brother were greatly involved also, and Zak is deaf he was distracting the little girl till they were able to leave. I can't believe you!"

"Don't get mad at him, if it wasn't for me, the dead body of your prisoner would still be rotting down there," I glanced at Kaylie angrily,

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"One of them died, beaten to death by his own men, and I called my uncle for a favor, he runs the streets," I looked at Ryder.

"I am sorry,"

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