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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

READ with caution, you have been warned

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I awoke and was in the hospital, I felt like complete shit, I was sick, badly. Mazor, Bottie, and Dillion were in the room. They all were asleep. Interesting. I saw the wall clock, it was 6 pm. How long have I been out, since I have no memory of coming in here? I clicked on the tv and put on a show, tv, have not watched that in who knows how long.

It was now 7 o'clock and not one of them had awoken yet, I could run free, but I felt like shit and couldn't care less. I sneezed again. I hate sneezing.

"Hi, Zean." It was my brother, Quinn.

"Quinn, what are you doing here? Look, I told Sam I am not leaving,"

"No, I know, I already know."

"Then why are you here?"

"Tori made me,"

"Tori? Are you back with her?" He chuckled.

"No, but we have a daughter,"

"I know, my niece, but why are you here if you aren't trying to break me free?" He looked around. "Yeah, I've been up for an hour they haven't got up. He stepped more in.

"I told you, Tori made me,"

"How does she know I am in here?"

"Because she saw you when we were passing by because of Miles,"

"Miles? What were you doing at a hospital with her in the first place?"


"I ain't getting younger, bitch, tell me, was it to spook Aaron?" He smirked.

"Done that, over that, did to all, I am leaving them alone. This is your problem, you know Miles had this chick get Sam and me? Miles had a thrill beating me, but when he left I escaped,"

"And Sam?"

"Left his poor ass there," I shook my head and laughed.

"So why were you at the hospital with Tori for?" He blinked and stared at me. I motioned my hand for him to speak.

"Violet is sick,"

"Oh, sucks, I am too," I sneezed again.

"Not like you, worse, she can die,"

"She'll be fine, dude."

"She was leukemia we don't know that," I stared at him.


"She has cancer, Zean." I went into shock. How can that be possible? She's so little and healthy.


"CANCER, ZEAN!" he roared angrily, it took me aback. It awoke them up.

"Quinn?" Bottie spoke out.

"It's fine, don't worry," Dill said. Quinn kept staring at me.

"For how long?"

"Long enough,"

"Is she doing the treatment?"

"She's doing fucking everything Zean! She's a child for fuck's sake she isn't strong enough!"

"I'm sorry, Quinn."

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