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WARNING: This book involves boyxboy action if any reader disapproves then please move on to a different story.

READ with caution, you have been warned

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Today is the day I officially am back in school. I couldn't be happier but I also didn't want to go, football season had been over for a month. I went with a gray long sleeve, black straight pants, with b&w Adidas. I fixed my hair and sprayed cologne. Every nosy bastard will ask what happened and I am not up for it. A knock came on my door, I glanced over.

"Ready Hunt?" Xander asked leaning in.

"Than I'll ever be," I said throwing my new backpack on. We went downstairs, and Josie was already at the door waiting. "What time is it?"

"7:40," I groaned.

"I just want my bed again," Xander chuckled and we went in his car, Josie in the back.

Our parents were already gone to work. We first dropped off Josie at her school, I told Xan that I would walk her in since I'm officially back, I used to all the time. Josie and I were holding hands as we walked to her class. When we got near her classroom, I gave her a hug and kissed her head.

"Have a good day, I love you and we can do homework after school together, okay?"

She nodded and said bye, I watched her greet a couple of girls and they giggled walking into the class, I smiled. I went back in the car and Xan drove me to school, the more we got close, the more my anxiety was present. He pulled into a parking space and we went into the school straight to the office, people were already glancing, great.

We spoke to the principal, the dean, and the counselor present. By the time that was done, it was already halfway into the first period, late on my day back how great. The principal wrote me a tardy pass and a pass if this week back is too much to just be in the office, which was really nice, I might take it up. Xan walked with me to my locker, thank goodness I remembered the code. I grabbed my AP Gov book and notebook, which were luckily left in here. I sighed as we climbed the stairs and to my first period. We were down the hall from the class,

"Text me if anything goes down, okay?" I nodded.

We hugged and went our ways, him back down the stairs, to go in his car, to drive home and back in a warm bed. While I, -I continued walking four doors down, opened the door, and into class. Everyone stared at me, shocked I was there.

"Hunter! A pleasure to have you back," Mrs. Santigo said and I gave a small smile walking up to her and handing her the pass. I looked around, this girl was in my seat, never saw her before, or didn't notice when I was there. "We are just talking about chapter 16, but there's no need for you to take notes if you wish," I smiled.

"Thank you, I didn't get an A on that essay for nothing," She smiled and handed me a packet. I looked down at it, and 'Civil Rights Packet was the header'.

"That's the next chapter, you may start on it while we finish up this one," I nodded and went to the only empty seat available. I took out a pen and opened the textbook to chapter 18, the Civil Rights chapter. I started working on the packet while Mrs. Santigo continued her lecture.

I was on the third page reading the textbook when the bell rang.

"Study for the exam tomorrow! Have a great rest of your day," Everyone quickly rushed out. I packed my things and held my textbook. I went up to her desk.

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